My list is 2s first they are nothing else then war heroes legends Guardians of Humanity, Then second we hav the 1ns cause Buck actually where one of the ones and then there ar 298+ that probably died during the war, we could even go so far to say that sergeant Forge where a Spartan 1 hoverer that is of course not confirmed. Anyway what I am trying to say here is that Buck probably is the last Spartan one alive... We know that Fred,linda and Kelly are the sole surviving Spartans IIs but what Happened to the Original Red team who where onboard The Spirit of Fire? Thirdly we have quite Ironically the Spartan IIIs due to there imensful Sacrifices during the war: Remember Reach... BUT FOR GODS SAKE REMEMBER NOBLE TEAM! And last the fours cause I have a very deep hatred for The chief of ONI Commander Paragnosky (I hope I spelled that right) Because she made Osman a Spartan II candidate that didn't pass the Augmentations. But where still not so messed up as some of the other candidates. But yeah Paragnosky knew exactly who she where and thought for her self that she would take out her sweet revenge on Halsey by Turning one of her own "children" against her. And plus the Spartan IVs are clowns whit high prized military gear I mean come on Team majestic we have seen hundreds of times before in basically every single Military movie or military Shooter that is out there and then we have Palmer who seems to have only one sole purpose in the game to be Johns Human Nemesis because she tried to kill the only family he had left. We have to remember that John never reunites whit his Brothers and Sister I really think that he will go rough and that perhaps Arbiter are talking about the return of the Flood in that Trailer and he Knows that Cortana are holding the key to there destruction. I Kind of Rambeld away here in the end Sorry but that is my list and my reason.