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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I'm interested. Are you in the Master Chief Collection yet?
  2. Yes. I am the leader of the UNSS clan and was wondering if you would alliance with us. We are a small clan right now so help would be appreciated. Please msg me over xbox live. GT: BannerDarkAngel
  3. This clan is active again. We were having technical difficulties.
  4. Hey guys. General BannerDarkAngel here to tell you that the UNSS is recruiting. *Applause* I am proud to say that while you are with us, we think of you as family. All of our members are treated fairly do to our democracy type management. Due to the way we run the clan, even our privates have an opportunity to voice their opinions. We plan on expanding to Halo 4 and the Master Chief Collection. As of now, we are a Halo Reach clan. We are active in Halo Reach. Please contact General BannerDarkAngel, Second Lieutenant XxBaseplatexX, or Second Lieutenant ViRo x GoDZz on xbox live to join. *note* the rank is not included in the gamertags. You must also have a Mic. No squeakers allowed.
  5. Axios!!!! Hey everyone, I'm proud to announce that the United Nations Secret Service (U.N.S.S) is now recruiting.Axios means I am worthy. So, you think that you are worthy enough. Well then, if you think you are worthy then msg either BannerDarkAngel or KSI Count D00ku on X-box live.
  6. Looking for lvl 26 or highers to run the vault of glass. Will start as soon as I have 6 people. Fist come first serve.
  7. Xbox live GT: BannerDarkAngel. Either. Halo Reach:General Grade 2. Halo 4: SR 39. I'm 16 Xbox live GT: BannerDarkAngel. Either. Halo Reach:General Grade 2. Halo 4: SR 39. I'm 16
  8. Bellum clan is a Destiny clan. We r recruiting. Just have a lvl 20 or higher to join. Must also have or createa bungie.net profile. For more info msg BannerDarkAngel or KSI Count D00ku on xbl (xbox live)
  9. Here at Shield clan (which was not named after the marvel shield.) we are kind and accepting to other clans. Just whatever you do. Do not alliance with us just to betray us in the end like a clan called Traxus did. We will always get our revenge. If you are interested in an alliance or want to join us then msg BannerDarkAngel on xbox live.
  10. Well then, you have come to the right place. Lucky for you I am the leader of a halo reach clan called shield and we are recruiting. Plz msg me ASAP. Gamertag is BannerDarkAngel.
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