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Rey Rodriguez

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. How is it some of you are getting into Matchmaking yet I have not been able to get into any at all. I have tried everything... resetting my xbox... resetting MCC game.. Going into a playlist... waiting like 5 mins and restarting... going into a playlist and jus sitting and waiting.. and nothing... yet people are having no issues at all.. I dont get it... Why does it affect some and not others? My brother and I both bought our copies at the same Gametop yet he has had success getting into MM. Chubbs
  2. Me plz!!!!!! I literally bought my Xbox 1 just to play Hal CE ctf on blood gulch..... I don't care about anything else . Screen name is. CHB BOSS
  3. I thought i heard them say nameplates are unlockable with game play.
  4. How does Custom games work?? Do i have to be in party for people to use my custom map? Is there anyway to search for other people who are live playing custom games?
  5. Me!!!! If they find a way of making it easy to specifically play Halo CE: 16 Player Multi CTF in Blood Gulch this is all I will be doing for the most part... reason why i fell in love with the game originally.
  6. Anyone know when the next expected wave of info can be expected? Are there any other Pax type events coming or is it till launch?
  7. so.... basically idiots who want to exploit the rankings... can just join... drop.. join drop.. join drop. constantly without ever really playing a full game and still have a chance to earn exp? Chubbs
  8. Hope: That the MP playlist will find a way to let me find others who want to specifically and mostly play Halo CE: 16 Player Multi CTF in Blood Gulch!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Why does it seem that Halo CE does not get the Love that Halo 2 gets? Is it an age gap thing? I have played all the Halo's to ever come out and in my opinion i think the Halo CE (Lan) Multiplayer is the best Halo Experience to date. Yet Halo 2 Gets all the love. Am I the only one that is excited for Halo: CE Multiplayer? More specifically am i the only one excited to play Halo : CE 16 Player CTF in Blood Gulch? Chubbs
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