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Everything posted by HaveYouBeen

  1. So, like most people I am pretty jazzed up about the new halo anniversary edition to be released. Only because of Halo 2. Every online fps game I've played since (8/4/2005 10:57 PM) has been a horrible attempt to scratch that itch. I found my first gamertag online, I created a second one that was used for a few years.. but yea. http://halo.bungie.net/Stats/PlayerStatsHalo2.aspx?player=onslought420247 I never bought a 360, a friend of mine had it and halo 3... I was not impressed, to be honest I forget my reasoning but I not only abandoned the franchise but the console as a whole. I was pissed, halo 3 decimated my clan, all my mates were on the new console. Except me, in my young age I was bitter and angry that things were changing. Anyway with this new game coming out, I am really excited to play halo 2 again. I am hopeful that they release the Halo 2 game on PC, because I don't own an XB1, or really plan on buying one. Part of me says buy the console and the game the day it comes out, and slap that ***** on the credit card... but the other part of me says I am not paying over 500$ to play one game... I guess what I'm trying to get across is if they are banking on the anniversary game to be a console seller, I don't see it happening. As amazing playing halo2 would be again, on full servers... I don't think most functioning adults would pay over 500 USD to play a game that is that old. However, I would pay a nut to play it on PC... Would be an instant purchase.
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