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    just livid

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  1. It takes up a large portion of my hard drive. Instead of remaking that Useless map Relic. Maybe give us some form of extra hard drive. its ******* bul****. I dont even want any GB wasted on something as useless as Spartan Ops 1. Remake midship/the pit for H2A. 2. free 1-3 month gold 3. free hardrive add cause **** you 343 and all of you involved at ruining the greatest Shooter. u ****** halo up. bungie was better. I might change my mind if you cater to the COMPETITIVE PLAYERS WHO WILL BE PLAYING THE GAME LONG AFTER THE NOOBS BANDWAGON ONTO OTHER GAMES
  2. Im sorry. I have been a competitive halo player since halo 1. Everyone I know who plays competitive halo, Knows thats midship is just as important as lockout to the fun of the game. 1.Lockout 2.Midship 3.Sanctuary 4.Warlock are the top 4 MLG/team hardcore maps for halo 2. So what is the problem here? ask any MLG setting player, they will repeat the same maps... You are effecting the longevity of the Halo 2 remastered by not adding such an important map to the diverse and skilled players of the game halo 2. Its hard to believe you actually care to be honest. Everyone is pumped for Midship that i know, across the world, that I play with. Is there any hope for Midship???
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