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Brandon Mathieu

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Everything posted by Brandon Mathieu

  1. With the IGN release of all of the playlists earlier today, I was pretty excited. I saw all of the H2: A playlists, a hardcore playlists for 2 and 3.. and then the disappointment. Halo CE with one playlist, that will likely include the terrible Halo PC maps and weapons, no ability to play without radar which is what made Halo: CE great, and generic AR starts. I know 343 didn't create anything but Halo 4 and H2: A and it is very obvious they are wanting people to play H2: A over everything else, so they are giving limited playlist for all of the other games. My thing about this is simple, what is the point in remastering all of the Halos and putting them online if you are going to give one of the most popular, the one nobody has ever played online, ONE playlist? It is simple what to do.. create a 4v4 hardcore (no radar), 2v2 hardcore (no radar), and 4v4 casual. That is it.. three playlists that don't include PC maps and everyone would be happy. It is extremely lazy, and after all of the hype and excitement for something they are doing, it looks like they may do the same thing they did with Halo 4, ruin the Halo experience. When I saw what 343 was doing for this series as a whole with the Masterchief collection I jumped with joy.. however now that I see how they are trying to force people to play the adaptation they created by giving limited playlists, I will likely cancel my preorder, as will a few of my friends, until they hopefully get it right. I don't want to remember the games I loved in a disappointing fashion. People will play H2: Anniversary, you don't have to force feed it to us after all of the promises. Also, less than a week ago there was an article on Gamespot with an interview with 343 which they stated the exact opposite about Halo: CE. The article is below.. http://www.gamespot.com/articles/halo-combat-evolved-xbox-one-gets-new-screenshots/1100-6422729/ Thanks for reading and hopefully a lot of people share my opinion on this so eventually it will be changed.
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