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  1. I was pleased when Bungie brought in Halo 1 and 2 inspired maps into Halo 3, but I don't want it to be a tradition 343i continues. While I'll easily admit to loving a lot of 2 and 3's maps, I want something new, something different. If they bring back straight ports or inspired maps, we might as well be playing old games. Besides, when Halo: CEA is released, we're getting 7 Halo: CE multiplayers maps for use in Reach. Anything else I feel should be brand new environments and maps.
  2. Incorrect. I love how people pull random statistics out of thin air. I just did the math and in competitive gametypes (excluding Invasion) the DMR only accounts for 23.2% of my kills. My friend Matt, whose playstyle is mostly long-range, has a DMR kill percentage of 23.5. The fact of the matter is that the DMR seems to play its own role (how Bungie intended it) as a suitable weapon for certain situations. You even mention the counter of using the DMR as a long-range weapon by saying that you have to pace your shots to combat the blooming sights. If you pace your shots properly to be able to effectively kill someone at long-range with the DMR and the other person doesn't find cover in one form or another, then that's on them. If you repeatedly fall to cross-map DMR shots, you need to second guess describing yourself as an experienced and skilled Halo player.
  3. I would venture to guess that if any new armors are ever to be added to the armory it would happen through the Halo: CEA disc. I'm guessing it would be something along the lines of how the last Halo 3 maps came on-disc along with the other 2 map packs with ODST. I would imagine that this would be the only way it would be conceivable without an enormous download to recode all of the pre-existing maps. One way or another, new armor is a novel idea, but I don't think it is necessary. Yes, customization is awesome, and yes a Marathon tribute helmet would be cool, but I'd rather shoot stuff than accessorize.
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