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Everything posted by rabidhamsterOG

  1. Dreaming of 3 shot pistol kills in Halo1 MCC for November. 343 please dont let us down!!

  2. All I care about in this remaster is that Halo 1 is intact and fully available for multiplayer deathmatch with its original-strength Pistols and grenades! PLEASE get that part right, PLEASE!!! I want to log onto Xbox live and feel like I'm back 3 shot pistol killing people on a 16 player LAN. New and improved everything will be totally worthless without that one feature. I dont even care if it looks good! 3 shot pistol kills were what made Halo different than all the others. The game requires skill and strategy - and thats something I sorely miss. Outside of Swat and Swords, Halo 2 was just a great big pretty looking buttonmash festival.
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