If you are interested in helping the creation of a brand new clan created just for the Master Chief Collection, then you are in luck. As being a classic halo veteran I had always enjoyed the amazing community from each game, although more so with the expansion of the series it seems that the bulk of the community has diminished. I would love to bring back the nostalgic memories from these older games and that also includes the strong clan system along side with the games. Having the option to play any multiplayer maps from games Halo 1, 2, 3 and 4 is a dream come true from the eyes of a competitive halo player. If you would like to help me rekindle the amazing moments of each of these games, then please read further for more information about the clan.
L0AD (Last Order of Armed Delinquents)
The name L0AD had been a creative idea rolling around in my head since Halo 3 late years. I wanted something that could be easily abbreviated and used in a GamerTag while keeping an overall epic meaning. My idea for this clan will to have a dual-rank system to where there will be a highly competitive skill rank and a overall rank such as community and clan effort. The systematical community rank system will follow a similar one to that of the Halo 3 1-50 system. Examples will be...
Clan Leaders/Founders - Generals
First round of recruits - Brigadiers
Second round of recruits - Colonels
Third round recruits - Commanders
And etc...
Since this is a new clan the community rank system will be based on a first come first serve basis. Although the skill rank system will be rather more interesting, as after the first few weeks the clan leaders will set up a first ever In-Clan Tournament to fight for the highest skill rank in the clan. this will be set up as the top five winners of the tournament will be known as skill rank Generals with their respected places 1-5 along side with that title. The same will go for the next five Brigadiers, five Colonels, five Commanders and so on. After a stable clan has been created there will be Bi-weekly competitions to fight for new skill rank positions.
Now that there are four different halo games to choose from, we can split the clan into groups for each game having a skill tree ladder for each one. This will allow for a variety of players to enjoy the clan benefits while keeping a strong clan community over all.
The clan is in its early stages of creation, merely just an idea. I believe with the help of new members it can grow into a very fun and well put together community. Also the clan will be set on an Eastern Coast US and Canada GMT-5 time zone.
If you have any questions or maybe you are on-board with my Idea the you can contact me via Forum message, GamerTag (The 0ver L0ad) or post in the forum comments. I will be glad to hear any ideas from anyone.
Future plans include -
A clan website
Clan Logo
Clan Motto
A proper title system
Possible TeamSpeak Channel
Clan Creator,
The 0ver L0ad