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Awoken Epidemic

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  • Location
    Outside of Gamestop
  • Interests
    Paintball,Halo,Xbox,and Soccer

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  • Gamertag
    Awoken Epidemic
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    Awoken Clan

Awoken Epidemic's Achievements


Hunter (4/19)



  1. Wrong section, you are supposed to put this in the clan section
  2. I don't like Destiny mainly because there is not enough stuff to do, and i don't really enjoy the crucible.
  3. I was playing Halo MCC today and i was rank 8. I then went into a match on Acension and it was laggins so hard, the it got stuck on the scoreboard so i quit the game, it then got me down to rank 3. I think if you back out it should demote you by 1 rank, not 5
  4. It wasn't very long either. I was kind of bored during it.
  5. All Locke is doing is bringing Master Chief back to ONI, Master Chief went AWOL, and they sent him to bring him back
  6. Mine is definetly The fall of Reach, I love that they told us about John when he ws taken by ONI.
  7. I a very dissapointed that they didn't make one, I was going to buy it if they did.
  8. Only like 7 years late.
  9. Really you bought MCC just for SWAT.... But anyways they tey took it out (I think) because if they have less servers they will be able to fix the other servers faster Really you bought MCC just for SWAT.... But anyways they tey took it out (I think) because if they have less servers they will be able to fix the other servers faster
  10. It doesn't look like Call of Duty, It looks like what halo should look like, Spartans Should Sprint, have special abbilities, and Aiming down the sights, and much much more
  11. Also they want more people to buy an xbox one, MCC is probably their best exclusive.
  12. I have been having the same problem. I finished the 2nd mission of Halo 2 and it said done but it didn't give me the acheivment for a few days. If you wait it will eventually give you the achievment.
  13. They made sprinting way more balanced, you can't recharge your shield while sprinting. I don’t think i it will ruin the
  14. https://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/community/blog-posts/11-20-14-halo-the-master-chief-collection-content-update-notes This is a list of all the fixes
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