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Krazy Crayon

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Everything posted by Krazy Crayon

  1. 1.Infection playlist. I know I am not the only one that likes to play a simple game of infection every now and then. Halo 4 had infection playlists so why not MCC. It would be a nice add on. 2.A Halo:CE playlist for multi-player. If you're anything like me you like the old stuff and all the old original Halo:CE maps are amazing! And I would love to see a playlist with only the Halo:CE maps in the roster. 3.Ability to promote other players to leader of group. This is a big one. All other halos have had this ability, but it seems to be missing here which sucks, because I like to give everyone a chance to host and be in control. 4.Ability to search for community maps and game types. I love custom games, and the halo community is the best when it comes to making them, but you can't get those maps or play them unless you know the person who made it or the person who has it on their console. Give us the ability to search for different game types and games for custom matches. THIS IS IMPORTANT. 5.Make forge in halo 3 just like forge in halo 4! This is another biggie. The forge in halo 4 is a lot easier to work with than the 2007 halo 3 forge. It is gonna turn people off from remaking amazing maps that were made in 2007-2009 in the MCC, which would suck because I remember spending hours just playing those said maps. 6. Add a playlist for action sack. These are community made games and game modes that are put for the pubic to enjoy and swapped every so often. This was in halo 3 and 4 so it would be a nice addition in MCC! 7.Add an on screen icon when a player is talking so we know who is talking at a given time. This is something that needs to happen! Like put a icon next to the players name when they talk! Please!!!! I know I am most likely missing some additions so if you have any ideas on how to make the game better then feel free to comment and I will add it to this list! Thanks!
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