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Everything posted by cpadr0n19

  1. dude this forum sucks, all the directors seem to think its the same game, but its not. the directors have no clue what the original halo 2 was like. this is not the same game. the glitches that were on the original dont work, the super jumps dont work, rocket sword lunging doesnt work, and honestly i dont even think these noob moderators know what those glitches are. honestly dude this site is a joke and the moderators delete anything that they dont like, which is completely wrong.
  2. lol no they are not, and why wouldnt they be in custom games? Honestly the dumbest thing i've ever heard. I have been playing the classic maps, the glitches are not there, i have super jumped on every map on the xbox original in multiple spots. the coagulation red and blue base jumps are the easiest super jumps to do and they dont work. rocket sword lunge doesnt work. why would they put the glitches in matchmaking and not custom games? lmao not to mention matchmaking doesnt work, achievements are broken, and i got robbed out of my money because i was promised the game would have something that it actually doesnt. sorry for being mad. maybe you should. 343 did a horrible job.
  3. my earlier post got deleted, so heres post number 2. The super jumps and rocket sword glitch do not work. 343 promised in their documentary that halo 2 would be "exactly the same as it shipped ten years ago, including the glitches." This could not be further from the truth. Please explain to me how not being able to super jump or rocket sword glitch is exactly the same as it was 10 years ago? 343 you are complete garbage, and i hope enough people get mad at this that you fix your stupid mistakes.
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