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  • Location
    Brainerd, MN
  • Interests
    Halo(duh), cars, biking, fishing, 4wheeling. etc

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ArabianGoggles's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. I am looking to get a group of 4 together for anniversary slayer on MCC. If you are up to play, add me: ArabianGogglesx
  2. Pretty excited to see more when the Beta come nearer. Unlike a lot of people I know, I actually enjoyed Halo 4 quite a bit, but I definitely won't complain about going back to the roots.
  3. My list of Achievements that I can't unlock are as follows: 1. The Road: Beat Tsavo Highway. 2. Assault: Beat The Storm 3. Skulltaker H3: Iron Skull 4. Skulltaker: Tough Luck Skull. EDIT: I also just beat Pillar of Autumn and found the Iron skull for Halo: CE. No achievements. I've come to the conclusion that achievement tracking is part of the outage for Xbox LIVE. Looks like I'm done playing for the night. I checked after I completed each task, and the game registered that I had completed them, showing 100% in the progress bar for each achievement. But I had since done a hard reset on the console, and now shows 0% progress for all of said achievements. On an unrelated note, but to add to the "glitches" I've come across, every time I finish a matchmade game, no matter which playlist, I have to close the game and restart. It will either get stuck on the loading screen, or get stuck on the post game lobby.
  4. Welcome to the Community Ryan Blundell :welcome:

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