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Everything posted by RideOrDie1990GT

  1. ^ I was wondering this too. At first I thought that maybe it was because CE was released before xbl ever came out, so maybe it was an issue with online services with such an old engine, but it's available in other modes, like team slayer. You guys should make it available as it's own. I wanna shoot people in Blood Gultch.
  2. Couple things. First off, I feel bad for you guys. I know you didn't mean for the launch to be like this. I'm sure you're doing your best to fix it. That being said, this is what's going down on my end in Jersey... 1.) Matchmaking is a hit or miss, in the sense that it's either several minutes of wait before I get a match or I just get hung up waiting. I literally watched a whole episode of Grey's Anatomy searching for a slayer match. 2.) When I do find a match, I noticed the balancing system is off. More often than not, it will pair a 2v4 instead of using the 6 players optimally as a 3v3 match. 3.) I get the # "can't connect to host" issue every once in a while. 4.) After a match, my game crashes sometimes instead of just taking me back to the lobby. And that just makes me SAD. This is the best value a Halo fan could honestly ever buy, but I'm having a hard time convincing my friends to buy a game I cant show them that well. Good luck with everything guys. Hope it gets straightened out soon. I'm going to keep playing despite the problems though. Cheers!
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