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Trigger Phenom

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  1. 11/20/14 update Well I updated the game and got into a couple games a little quicker. Then It started taking forever again and not joining any games. Your update didn't help. I've kept the game not only because I love playing halo but because I had faith in y'all. Which y'all are proving me wrong. Just please send out a promising update before I give up on this game
  2. Multiplayer problems- like everyone is saying it's hard to find a game. That's not my biggest problem. What I can't apprehend is why when you are on the same xbox or same party why the teams get split up. If I wanted to play against the people I'm partied up with I would play custom games. Please fix this game fast. I've been waiting since halo CE anniversary for halo 2 anniversary to come out. Very disappointed in it at the moment. Also how come there was playlist for 2 3 and 4 by themselves but no CE multiplayer by itself it would be nice to just go to any of the 4 games multiplayer to play.
  3. Welcome to the Community Trigger Phenom :welcome:

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