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Dj Faiella

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Posts posted by Dj Faiella

  1. Ok first off this isnt from a new kid coming to halo this is coming from a guy that has played halo since halo 1 was released when i was a little kid and my brother brought it home for christmas and we stayed up till 5 in the morning just playing 1v1s over and over and over along with the endless amount of hours on halo 2 trying to get above a 35 with all of the modders and standbyers out there to halo 3 getting a 50 in every place to halo 4's trash of a game as well (didnt mention reach because of the disgusting video game it was compared to halo 2 and 3)


    now to my complaints about this game 


    First off mathmaking times have increased since launch only because the removal of playlists not a complete fix a temporary here ya go im sorry for the struggle here lets remove somethings to help you nothing set in stone 


    second nobody wants to play a matchmaking playlists where you go in with your friends and they end up on the other team the point of bringing in my friends is because i trust them in matchmaking instead of the randoms i get paired up with especially in ranked when im trying to rank it up 


    Rank in anniversary is broken officially today 


    now my friend was telling me a story of how last when he was playing he got matched up 1v4 and how he said **** this i dont want to play so he quit he was a lvl 11 went down to a lvl 6 i found it hilarious and the dumbest thing i ever heard about halo but then i experienced it........ wasnt so funny anymore i was a 14 and i got matched up 1v4 quit i went down to 9... 


    For months i have been saying somehow some way 343 was going to **** this up and they did 


    yea we like having all 4 campaigns and all 4 games put into one but what we remembered and loved was being able to play to get that 50 being able to party up with friends cuz we knew we could get there not go into 2v3 games or 1v4 or whatever combination youve been put into and then lose ranks over it 


    they might have brought back a 1-50 ranking structure in one playlist but matchmaking is broken Ive been looking forward to this for months and months being able to get 50's again now i dont even want to purchase halo 5 let alone play this anymore 


    everyone is getting tired of this all my friends complain no one on my lists has said i like the way matchmaking is set up basically its about customs again and thats fine with me thats the only reason i would keep this game is for gamebattles i wont step foot in to matchmaking until this resolved theres no point in going in and playing and loosing while i go 20-5 and my teammates die 45 times and i lose rank i want my friends to play with me ON THE SAME TEAM!


    Bump this and lets get the old halo back in matchmaking not this piece of **** of an excuse they will get the same numbers that they had in halo 4 low in every playlist except 2 of them  

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