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Everything posted by dawn117

  1. I have made a few more maps, most are general slayer maps but there are two infection maps. One takes places in a large cave system, the other is an underground structure with lots of tight corridors. The competitive maps are pretty standard. One is a large 8-16 player map a little larger than valhalla, it's an island with a river in the middle (technically making it two islands). There's lots of hills and a central cliff for each side with a bridge going all the way across he upper map. The other competitive maps are a bit harder to describe, you will just have to see.
  2. I've created another infection map plus some slayer maps. If anyone is interested.
  3. I only have a halo 2 infection map, but bring your own and well test and play them. gt Dawn117
  4. Like the good old days. Add me Dawn117. I'll start or join doesn't matter to me.
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