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Everything posted by FadedWHoo

  1. Thank you for more details I really appreciate it, what I was mainly trying to get across was that the infamous appearance in the photo was not new. I was letting the people know how and why his appearance is just now starting to arise in the halo realm.
  2. Recently 343 released a picture with a Mysterious Spartan and Master Chief. Many Halo fans had no idea how to take the picture, since he has only shown up once before in halo before this photo. In Halo 2: Anniversary Edition this mysterious spartan shows up in the "very first cutscene". He is known as Locke an ex-spartan who goal is to track down (in his words) "the spartan" he then shows one of the Elite commando's a Hologram of Master Chief. Here the link to a Picture of the Master Chief and Locke's Photo http://teambeyond.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/Halo-5-Double-Spartan.jpg Here is the picture of Locke in Halo 2: Anniversary Edititon http://scontent-a.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xfa1/t51.2885-15/10748411_741316482572153_22150367_n.jpg I would imagine we play as this Locke Bounty Hunter and try to track down our loved Master Chief. No one will know until Halo 5 is Out. Cant wait. Also reply to this and tell me what you think.
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