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Im Frosty Chaos
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We aren't a clan. We are a gaming community that has been around for 3 years and we are growing every day. We have a total of 20 branches with over 1600 members registered on our forums, with hundreds more that aren't registered. Trust me when I say it will take something over epic proportions to cause us to "fall apart"... Oh and by the way, "clan" *
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You dont join for the name, you join for what we have to offer. Kinda rule number 1 when considering a clan/ gaming community..
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Frosty started following Chaos Gaming Community.
I know, I know, we might sound like one of those small tiny clans filled with little kids screaming and yelling. We aren't. Don't judge a book by it's cover, silly, Chaos Gaming is one of the biggest and most respected gaming communities on Xbox. We span across CoD and Halo Reach and will expand into H4 when it comes out. We contain over 1700 members registered on out website, with well over hundreds more unregistered on the website. Our Halo Reach division contains 7 Branches; Backlash, Dynasty, Impact, Intensity, Shockwave, Revolver and Supremacy, and our CoD side has well over 15 branches. But I'm here to recruit for Halo, not CoD, so let's go ahead and talk about us. Chaos Gaming has been around for about 3 years and is built around one rule: Treat others the way you wanna be treated. We value respect and integrity above all else and just want to make others have fun, make friends and enjoy themselves. We hold tourneys that yield prizes that range from Microsoft Points to Xboxs, but our main attraction is our Game Nights: One hour, give or take, dedicated to just playing games and having fun. Each Game night is different and is hosted by a different person. You can expect anywhere from 10-40 people attending a single game night. Here in Chaos, we treat other like family, because we kind of are like one. Into competitive and MLG play? No worries, we also have Elite Squads, for not just MLG but I'll get into those later, where the best of the best in a branch get together to practice, play and improve on their skills in Halo and MLG. One of my good friends, Dalton (Gamertag lBoba F e t tI), went to MLG Colombus and made it to losers bracket round 3 and placed top 100. And he was a Chaos Gaming Major. We even have Elite Squads for Snipers, Grifball and other types of games as well. Seem interested? Well like all other gaming communities, we have rules. You should be willing to change your colors, motto and emblem, and keep it like how we ask, at all times to represent us. You also should be at least 16 years of age to join, but if you are as young as 13 you can be accepted under the grounds that you are mature and willing to contribute. (You will have to wait a couple more days to earn your first promotion if you are not of age, sorry) If you are interested and are willing to comply with the rules stated above, please contact me on XBL, my gamertag is "Im Frosty Chaos" (No you do NOT have to change your gamertag to join.) Wanna see out site? Check it out at "360chaos.net!!" Thanks for reading and/or replying!! ~~ Frosty
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I'm getting tired of you complaining on how "bad" the previous halos were. All the time when somebody opens a thread against a halo reach term, especially ones that people really support, you run in a try your heart out to support reach and how its an awesome game. It's not, get over it. Quite simply, Halo Reach has some of the worst gameplay I've seen; quite on par with CoD. Halo 2 and 3 were perfect, and IMHO, I think H3 was the best. Why? It didnt have the **** that made halo reach bad, plus I played h3 all the time. Also don't go ******* blaming stuff on your "bad ping", just because you have terrible connection, doesnt mean the game sucked. I will admit, h3 and h2 had flaws, but not as many as halo reach does. Reach's gameplay itself is pretty much broken; game skill is almost non existent, all of the kills are pretty much luck. Anyways, back on topic; if your going to rage at people disagreeing with what you think, make a thread. Cuz I'm tired of the arguments that you start just by ramming into a thread and disagreeing with everything Anti Reach. Just saying.
>_> Am I the only one to see that my idea was stolen
@ Drunk Norris You're absolutely correct. If Bloom is to be removed, alot of weapons would need to be nerfed, especially the pistol. @ Destyran You shouldn't get mad at people for expressing their opinion, they have every right to do so. Also I know TrueSkill was flawed, but it was flawed to such a small extent, that it really doesn't matter. I know afew things they could fix in the formula in all honesty, but those things probably will be fixed in th new one, and therefore it's useless to argue against; it will be fixed if it is to be implemented..
I may be misinterpretting what you are saying, if I am I'm sorry but if not, then I will openly express my opinion. I disagree Boosting in H3, less skill is required, yes but only slightly less, and towards the end of H3, it was pretty much required in order to gain a 50 in playlists like MLG and Slayer, since others did it to such an extent, that and derankers also screwed with your W/L ratio and thus screwing with your rank. But anyways, it only takes slightly less skill because your still playing and contributing to the team when your being boosted; it only takes hardly any skill to achieve a boosted 50 if you get carries your way there. In all honesty, boosting can be seen as just running with a group of friends, if your of an equal skill level and still above that of your opponents.
Hey broski. 1) Bloom is broken to the point to where the imaginary "skill" of which you speak is truly imaginary; non-existent is a better term. It puts way to many variables to consider in a game like halo, which ruins the "skill" of it, making luck an increbibly huge factor in any DMR battle. So in all honesty, bloom is a fail and so are you for defending it to such an extent. 2) Previoisly you complained about BR spammers. I'm surprised you dont complain about DMR spammers, which is much worse in a game such as Reach, where they don't put a limit on how fast a shot can be spammed, compared to how they did in halo 3. There was NO BR spammers in ANY halo game I've ever played, everyone shot the BR as fast as they could because that's how it was used. ( don't say that's how the DMR is used, cuz its not.) 3) TrueSkill was what drove players to Halo, its what made the game fun, if worse players wanted to play without getting destroyed, they should either get better or play Social, that's as simple as it could be. 4) If anyone thinks that Bungie did a good job balancing the game, they should be slapped. Bungie DID NOT do a good job. They added way to many things to the game then what was needed for a sequel( in this case, a prequel) to succeed. They obviously didn't think things through when they added things like armor abilities, and bloom. Whenever I, personally play a game, I either destroy, or get destroyed, it's almost always one sided, and not fair, but that can also be blamed on map design. 5) And lastly, you cannot sign up for MLG, it doesn't work that way.
Because it's good to see people get better, it's called challenge, something this game seems to lack; most of the time, for me anyways, either we destroy or get destroyed, main reason why I say this game is broken. Anyways, a good tip that I have to offer: don't get to attached to any one playlist. If you get used to it, then things will turn out pretty bad for you in the future. Try strafing too, for those who don't know what it is, it's when you move aide to side while shooting at your enemy; it throws your opponent off and allows for you to gain the upper hand. And most of all, play smart, out smart, trick and flank your opponent, this will make a victory almost certain against players. Lastly, don't challenge an opponent when your weakened, outmatched or are getting challenged, try to run away and regain a foothold on the battle; remember, it's not about getting kills, it's about dying less. This way you help your team out alot more. 10 kills and 9 deaths is way worse than 3 kills and 2 deaths. This has been Frosty's Basic MLG Pro Smart Player Tips!
@ Destyran You change your colors, motto and emblem to help indicate your branch and rank, each branch has it's own "uniform" and with designated colors and emblem backgrounds, for instance, my branch, Backlash has a purple uniform and the crisscross background, which, by the way, we're changing here soon.
Would you be willing to pay 1200 MS points for this Add-On.
Frosty replied to CommonDiscipIe's topic in Halo Reach
I like the idea, but 1200 is way too much, 500-800, yes. However a thing is that Model III Spartans are much more powerful than Model II, Nobel Six and Master Chief were both Model III, just saying. -
EDIT: Chaos Gaming hosts Game Nights at 9 PM EST, NOT 6 pm! Sorry for the confusion! Frosty!
Hey guys, I'm currently representing the clan Chaos Gaming. We're a gaming community with over 1000 members divided into several branches over two games, black ops and reach. I'm currently a sergeant in the Backlash branch in Reach, and I'm searching for recruits. If you're interested, contact me over xbox live if: Your over 16 years old Are willing to change your motto, emblem and primary colors Are ready to have some fun and meet new people Chaos Gaming hosts game nights every night at 6 PM EST, if you want to test drive the clan, ask me for and invite and if we have space I'll give you one! If you want to be recruited and you fit the criteria stated above, send me a message and I'll recruit you! And questions, comments or concerns should be relayed through me on Xbox LIVE. If your under 16 but want to join, I can recruit you, BUT you will have to wait longer for approval. Want more information? Check out www.360chaos.net ! Thanks! -Frosty My gamertag is eG x Frosty! If this post doesn't belong in this forum, I apologize, I wasn't aware.