Managed to play 2 games an a week since the update a week ago, been nothing but crap since. Too many issues to post, can't even Play Co op over live on the campaign since i can't see my friends on the roster. Bought 2 mcc copies so me and my son could play, 3 weeks in, we still can't play it. Screw u 343. Halo 5 is off my list. Good thing I was able to pick up some games on black Friday that actually works. What's funny is that by the time u fix the game everyone will have already traded it or moved on the other functioning games. And if u think this won't affect the sales of halo 5 u better think again. You don't buy a new car and wait a month for it to work just to drive it. All ur updates suck, at least in the beginning I was able to play Co op campaign, now it's just 2 $60 pieces of crap I put on my envelops to keep them from blowing away.