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    Support BulIets

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  1. I have the same problem. I cant find a game any more. I only got this game because i wanted to be able to play H3 on the xbox one. a. 343 will never create the patches bungie did (maps will stay as is) b. the sound will probably never be fixed. c. forged/modified maps won't be brought back. Why even bring h3 back? obvious 343 are not even trying with h3 because you get gametypes that never existed before, e.g., 5v5 KOH on Citadel... I think the xbox servers have gone down, Inb4 lizard squad again.
  2. Will the sound ever be fixed on halo 3? It's so confusing. I actually play better if i turn the sound off.
  3. Welcome to the Community Support_BulIets :welcome:

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