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ARCHNEMESIS06's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. CAN I GET SOME CUSTOMER SERVICE PLEASE, 343. How do I unlock my achievement that's been stuck at 'Done! Unlocking...' for a month? I beat ALL the campaigns on legendary and this one achievement is holding up like 10 more achievements, and probably more than that. To say the least I'm getting very frustrated with this, and XBL customer service says this is your problem. Even though it's their system. How the hell that works I don't know. Oh, and don't tell me to reset, remove/reinstall my account, wait, check my internet etc etc. Because I've done all that multiple times and it's just going to piss me off. I also went back and beat the level over again, and nothing. I have to say it's ridiculous that you don't have a customer service page to deal with this.
  2. Welcome to the Community ARCHNEMESIS06 :welcome:

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