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Irritab1e B OWL

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    Irritab1e B OWL

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Finally fixed it by restoring to factory defaults and reinstalling everything... Took me 10 hours but at least everything is working again.
  2. And go ahead and add my Bluray player to the list of apps that no longer work. I'm about to go return my Xbox...
  3. Actually on or around the same day that this started happening, Farcry4 started doing almost the same thing. The difference is that Halo freezes once I press start at the main menu the game just freezes. Farcry4 shows the game startup screen for a few seconds and then backs out to the dashboard. But I have tried uninstalling and then reinstalling BOTH GAMES 3 times and the problems don't go away. How is this possible? When I have a corrupted game on my PC that fixes the problem. Why does this not work with my Xbox? The only thing I haven tried is resetting my Xbox to factory defaults and reinstall everything. Halo is my favorite game and it sucks that I am unable to play it.
  4. The same problem is happening to me as of yesterday. I have tried reinstalling the game 4 times, both from the disc and from the Internet. Even erased both my save data and my girlfriends and it still freezes. This really sucks I can't even play the one game I bought an Xbox for now. I really want an explanation and a fix soon or a refund for the game I can no longer play.
  5. Welcome to the Community Irritab1e B OWL :welcome:

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