"How can you expect a game that has 4 games in one to work right away?"
"Give them some space, it's only been a month!"
"Matchmaking is a very small part of the game, everything else was done amazingly well!"
Here's all I have to say: what in the f do you find innovative about what they have done with this game? They literally re-released 4 games that have already been made. Besides putting some new textures on one of the campaigns and a whopping 6 multiplayer maps, they did nothing. Matchmaking was the only thing that they should've had to work hard at and they failed, miserably. They presented a flawed product at the expense of fans to make extra money during holiday season. Not only that, but many people are hyping up halo 5 after getting $60 stolen out of their wallet a month ago. It's laughable.