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    Video games, science, band, music, medical, teaching, etc.

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. Tango Tremor... You're "ideas" would RUIN Halo! It would be so easy that a 3 year old could play it! Stop ruining Halo like Black Ops did to CoD!
  2. Also, customizable weapons. Basically, I want add-ons that can be set-up in the menu screen and you can only use that add-onif you unlock it or purchase it. I don't wNt this limited to campaign but I don't want it matchmaking. Put it in campaign and custom games. It would add variety to the clan community and clan structure. PLEASE!!!
  3. What I'd like to to see in Halo 4 is assassinations (love them) and useful items that do not need to be used to kill but instead trap or move people or items. I'd like utility and interactive environments and items.
  4. I get what your saying but I made this forum so that I coud keep track of any possible members that use this site. do agree with the whole chain of command corruption thing, but that is where the UN differs. I try my best to make sure everything is fair and even. Unlike some other clans that will remain unnamed, the UN has some of the most open-minded people on Reach. Now to the haters or trolls out thee, this is not a place for you to spam. It's annoying and everyone hates it. This is a forum to keep possible members listed for recruitment. Thank you.
  5. Why "lol"? I like what I do. I made his forum to see if I can get in contact with people who might actually want to join, not to trolled and discredite by people who don't even know what their talking about. Have any of you even been in a clan? I doubt it. So reply only if you have experience with a clan.
  6. I do not lie. I simply state what the United Nations clan is. It is propaganda but it's to help get new members to join the UN, not to force them to believe in something. Besides, I would never lie about something like this because what do I have to gain by lieing? I simply state the truth. It's your choice to accept it or not. No one is forcing you.
  7. The reason members need mics is so they can interact with the rest of the clan. and the age requirment is there to reduce cyber bullying between the members.
  8. The United Nations clan is a military based clan that does its best to presevre peace between the clans of Halo Reach. I am Dakota5324, a Captain of the United Nations Navy, high ranking officer, and leader of an advanced squad of naval members. I do what I do because it allows me to interact with others and possibly help them with anything they may need. I find clans a great way to teach others how to act in society and make friends. I know you might be thinking "What a loser"... I don't care, it works. However, if you think you can stand among the proud members of the United Nations, please post your gamertag in this forum and you will be contacted over Xbox Live. *Note: You MUST be at least 13 years old or a mature 12 and you MUST have a working headset or you may not be able to qualify. Thank you.
  9. My name is Dakota and I was wondering how I can submit ideas for Halo4. I have a friend who is working towards a concept artist position in 343 and he says my ideas have a high chance of making the cut. He told me 343 is open to ideas so I thought why not submit some stuff and see if they make it. Please contact me if you would like to learn more about my ideas. Thank you.

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