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Tim Gomez

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Everything posted by Tim Gomez

  1. You mean discipline? I have that... I'll assume they don't whine and throw fits when things don't go their way either. I don't play every single night, but I need some guys to hook up and play with when I do. GT: SyBurCul
  2. I need a mature group of people to game with. I don't people whining if we lose and getting their panties in a bunch. I just want to play and have fun, being a "competitive" clan should come second. I play Halo MCC, CoD AW, Titanfall, and a few others. I'm on on the weekends for sure, week nights are hit and miss, need to read and watch TV sometimes too Add me if you're down with all that. SyBurCul
  3. Yes CBox One. Looking for Halo MCC and/or CoD AW clans. I'm a bit better ranged, but I can do both somewhat.... Not sure what you mean by committed. I don't quit, but I'm not going to be on every night either. Mostly just weekends and an occasional weeknight.
  4. I'm not super awesome, but I'll get better. I need a clan that plays regular, don't curse a whole lot, and don't take things too seriously. I don't need a bunch of jackalopes whining about everything and getting their panties in a wad. SyBurCul add me.
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