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Bryon Dalton

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Everything posted by Bryon Dalton

  1. Watching this tonight: Just a few comments. Love the movement and parkour elements. Don't like the aiming, too much like CoD. The one thing that was really bugging me throughout the video was the announcer. This isn't Battlefield or CoD, its Halo. We don't need an announcer telling us every little detail. Don't like the voices telling that there is a bad guy over here, or an ally is dead. That's what the team comm's are for. If I have to listen to that in the real game, I won't be buying it. I like the balance the players start with. Everyone starts the same. Thumbs up on that 343i. One other thing I really dislike was the beginning and ending movement of the players in each match. The NFL style head bob and arms out wide and taunting is obnoxious and juvenile. Please omit. What this guy said is spot on: http://www.inquisitr.com/1710722/halo-5-multiplayer-beta-impressions-new-look-to-classic-halo-formula/
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