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Matt Davis

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I just returned it on the 26th because I was still having problems with it. Also why didn't they just put a code in the case, that would have solved all my problems.
  2. I had MCC but I am not a sheep who will keep a broken game so I returned it and low and behold I need it for the halo 5 beta.... Buying halo 1-4 and ODST and Reach and Halo wars and a broken MCC and yet I still can't play the Halo 5 beta. WHY THE HELL IS THIS A CLOSED BETA!!! did you think people would keep a broken game for this beta? I will not be a wallet with eyes for MS and 343 to screw over. THIS SHOULD HAVE BEEN AN OPEN BETA OR ATLEAST OPEN TO THOSE WHO DID OWN MCC!!!
  3. Welcome to the Community Matt Davis :welcome:

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