This is the problem........
No, we didn't get four games for the price of one. We got one "collection" that doen not work the way it was advertised to work. And yes, I doubt 343 will spend the time needed to fix all of the issues because they didn't spend the time to fix them before releasing ths sad excuse for a product. I have spent more time downloading updates than I have playing games since purchassing my XBone on 11/11/2014. It has now been well over two weeks as you suggested it would be and my game experience has not improved. I can't party up with my friends, I have to wait at least 10-15 minutes for a match and the lobby still collapses after every game. Finally, I didn't buy this game to play old campaigns. I bought the game so I could enjoy the awesomeness that was Halo 2 & 3 matchmaking. Oh well, if nothing else the MCC saved me money by killing any interest I had in purchassing Halo 5 or any other future 343 titles. And hey, I know it's not their fault. AC Unity, COD AW and many other titles have launched as little more than betas. The fact is that Microsoft is no longer concerned about providing a quality gaming experience on their TV PC device.