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  1. DEV feedback: Killcam is useless and has low integrity for showing a true POV from your opponent. Just keep the classic deathcam where one could immediately look out for teammates while waiting upon respawn. Controller settings should ALWAYS be now fully customizable and the game should do away with all other schemes besides maybe a recommended default layout. At least give the option to customize controller settings in addition! Consider that campaign and MP DO NOT require the same dynamics. Halo would stand out most significantly if the DEVS made campaign uniquely different than MP. The campaign shouldn't be limited to the same kind of playability to that of MP and vice versa. In other words, consider being open to both parts of the game to being completely different so as NOT to limit quality and innovation, but rather enriching both elements of the game independently.
  2. If you break it down to bare bones all its good for is optimizing 4v4 performance dynamics such that the goal is to never die and always zero the opposing team (OT) for 5 consecutive rounds. If we can do that then Team Slayer (TS) performance should benefit. Another benefit to this gametype is it exposes who plays well as a 4 man team, who doesn't as well as exposing lone wolf players who suck at teamwork and require teamwork improvements. Too basic for veterans such as myself but good for team building and executing plays and learning plays for those that don't understand just what a play is in Halo. True pro Halo is all mental performance once you peak in mech performance.
  3. Welcome to the Community HALOTHORITY :welcome:

  4. Sorry to hate on you so much @halo but seriously your DEVs ALL SUCK

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Buns


      that lowercase "s"

    3. I_Make_Big_Boom


      There's so much wrong here I don't even

    4. rrhuntington



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