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Everything posted by GuruofTime

  1. Sticks and stones may break your bones, but names leave psychological wounds that never heal!

  2. GuruofTime

    Free to use signatures.

  3. GuruofTime

    Iroh signature.

    From the album: Free to use signatures.

    © http://piandao.org/

  4. Warm?! Green?!? Those are all the symptoms of steamed broccoli! Get the thermometer...and the salad shooter!

  5. Today I will attempt to draw! *Sweats nervously*

  6. I'm itching for a fun custom game on Halo Reach but no one seems to want to play.. ;A;

  7. I will be hosting a custom game with Oddball marathon for Halo Reach tomorrow around 8:00 am EST. If anyone is interested in joining just say the word! Also I want to play many different Oddball maps so if you share a particular Oddball map you want to play that will be the map to be used for about two games! I'm looking to have a lobby of ten to sixteen people.
  8. I heard long ago that toothpaste helps scratched disks but I never had the need to try it. I will keep this in mind.
  9. Those sound like they would be fun to play! Thanks! I cannot recall what the name of the map was but my favorite Oddball map was on Forge Island. There was a long series of challenges from rolling death balls, narrow edge walking and mountain climbing. It's a ton of fun!
  10. What is everyone's favorite Oddball maps and why? I would like to play as many varients of Oddball as I can.
  11. I am looking to start a friendly Slayer match with only the DLC map packs of Halo 4. I am hoping to either host a 4 vs. 4 or 8 vs. 8 match. If you are interested please send me a message.
  12. What is with the one pm message limit? It's a huge inconvenience.. -.-"

    1. MCPO Mayh3m

      MCPO Mayh3m

      you need to make a few more forum posts before more are allowed.

    2. GuruofTime


      Ah I see. Thanks for the information.

  13. You're avatar hurts me..

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. E-Runner


      hehe :)

      ...it hurts everyone...who can watch pikachus endure so much pain...

    3. GuruofTime


      Apparently Mewtwo can. :P Ugh that movie breaks my heart.

    4. E-Runner


      Yeah I actually tear up watching it...haha

  14. I purchased the DLC map packs a few days ago and noticed that the game itself does not acknowledge that I have downloaded them. They show up in custom games but not for match making. I contacted Microsoft and they directed me here. Any help would be appreciated.
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