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JohnMichael Pahlavan

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JohnMichael Pahlavan's Achievements


Grunt (1/19)



  1. Nothing to solve? Allow me to pretend like I'm laughing at this ridiculous notion. How about de-ranking from an 18 back to a f*ck*ng 1? This has happened to me 4 times. How about being forced to play with noobs and quitters because you can't party up for ****? When you do, halo glitches the mics and you can't talk to your own teammates. How about being forced to reset the entire game after every few matches? How about still getting dropped in the loading screen daily? How about the annoying waiting for privileges message? How about games still randomly ending in the middle of the match? Just finished a nice blow to my K/D and an easy loss thanks to a game that LITERALLY STARTED 4v1 on Warlord. Yeah, that's a lot of fun. Co-op campaign is still the glitchiest, laggiest experience you could ever endure. Have achievements I've unlocked weeks ago twice over that STILL haven't f*ck*ng popped. Twice, I’ve won a game and gone down a rank. Played a match today that I went 22 and 1 in a crushing victory and went from a level 2 to a level 1.
  2. Welcome to the Community JohnMichael Pahlavan :welcome:

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