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Everything posted by unjusthitman211

  1. I think that halo 5 beta is kind of call of duty in a way but i will say that i am not going to pre order halo 5 because when i get the MCC it had some major issues like partys not working constant kicking you out of the game so i hope 343 looks at this because i will not order it and the fact you guys take credit for work that bungie did ten years ago and plus the fact halo 4 sucked the battle rifle sounds like crap and the forge sucked and havent seen you guys something good at all and i think 343 wont be around for thirty more years like it was said in the press confrence because at the rate they are going you are rushing games to be released that dont even work or have major problems and people need to stop defending them because they failed as a team it was not mircosofts fault
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