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Manny Roses

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Everything posted by Manny Roses

  1. I was often killed by the enemy even though I was not decisively be targeted by the enemy. I think that´s a bug
  2. I think the weapon-change in the beta is to slow

    1. joshyzburton


      Good for you...Maybe you should go to the official 343 forum and tell them that...

    2. Manny Roses
  3. In the Halo 5 Beta I will killed for so many times when I don't really in the visors from the enemies. It's a bug or not?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Manny Roses

      Manny Roses

      No that with the killcam is exactly what I mean!

    3. Axilus Prime

      Axilus Prime

      Ok, yeah. The killcams are slightly behind what actually happened, so they make it look like the enemy wasn't aiming at you, when in reality he/she was.

    4. Manny Roses

      Manny Roses

      I understand.. Thank you!

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