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    Omega Eeden

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Hey guys I am a serious player looking to make an impact in competitive play this year. I had been in teams during Halo 2/3 hay day scrimmaging against teams such as Triggers Down, Str8 Rippin, Final Boss etc.... and am ready to jump right back in. I don't want to waist time getting into ESL Cups and more competitive events so don't message me unless you have some sick skill of your own. Free every night East Coast and all day Wednesdays, Sat/Sunday as well. Qualifications: Must make all team practices that are previously arranged and approved by all team members. Upon joining the team your contact information should be shared among all members to ensure team stays on the same page at all times. Failure during any point to meet these requirements will mean automatic disqualification from joining and is a quick path off the team for those that make it through the tryout. Here is how I run tryouts so you can get prepared. Round 1 is a simple BR 1 on 1 match up against me. I am solid with BR skill and I want people as good or better than myself as this is your default weapon. We play a 1 round custom and I will only pass you if you can out BR me on a consistent basis or straight out beat me. I am not filling the slayer role so this round will be especially essential if that is where you are wanting to sit on my team. Be aware that this is a one time deal and I will be playing on host so get warmed up before you try out for this first round. Round 2 begins after I have enough passing players to start filling roles. We will schedule times to run games and work out who will fit best in the team. I don't care how good you are, if you don't mesh you are gone in this round. Essential Keys: Know your call outs, be positive throughout the game no matter how bad it looks, take constructive criticism and give it, do not blame your teammates for mistakes cause we will all have our fair share of them, and most importantly do not trash other players on the mic no matter how terrible or unnerving they can be. Once I have accumulated the best of all the players that make up and mesh most uniformly we will then lock in rolls. The last thing to do will be to select a co-captain of the team which will be a simple vote from all other team members with my vote only cast as a tie breaker (should all the members vote self.) If you are interested add me GT: Omega Eden.
  2. Welcome to the Community Omega :welcome:

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