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RAI Callion

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Everything posted by RAI Callion

  1. My birthday is coming! :D

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RAI Callion
    3. Drizzy_Dan


      We'll be sure to wish you a happy birthday the day of here on the site

    4. RAI Callion
  2. Rawr!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RAI Callion

      RAI Callion

      LODT is my clan, Callion is my name, and saying "Rawr!" is my game because I'm a FURRY! :P

    3. Ash


      ^+1 respect ^.^ And I'm good, and you?

    4. RAI Callion

      RAI Callion

      I'm doing good, lol, watching PewDiePie play The Walking Dead. And wanting to go to my friends house right now, get on his computer, play Minecraft, and play it with my girlfriend. Sadly, I wont be there until tomorrow...

  3. Hope to see more recruits from 343i, I had to rush things since I found out that DHG (Die Hard Gamers) is still around, I remember them when I had an Xbox 360 two years ago, they were top of the notch, until they started falling apart and were losing players to HCG (Hard Core Gamers). Currently, I'm the only AP that you can get in contact with, I've been trying to get one of the other AP's to add me and get on MCC, and have been trying to get another to get Halo MCC so that he can get involved in Halo for the first time and be in a Clan that he's also a leader of instead of a pawn.
  4. I love Neverwinter, it's an awesome MMO, thankfully they're coming out with it someday, but I haven't gotten anything about the Beta cause I'd really like to test it.
  5. Awesome! I am quite experienced in Ryse, and started Dead Rising 3 not too long ago, and Titanfall would be fun if they paired you up with people who are around your level...not like...50 levels higher.
  6. Does anyone else have Dead Rising 3, Ryse, and Titanfall? I have all three and would like to play with someone whom I can trust that doesn't want to kill me in Dead Rising 3, someone that would like to work together in Ryse, and someone who is more experienced in Titanfall.
  7. Yes, Halo 5 does need FireFight, Reach's you could cheat and never die, so I hope they fix that problem. Yes, they need to add every single Halo game besides Halo Wars, I was not a fan of Halo Wars (I beat it) though it did give us a little idea as to how they came up with the name of Forge.
  8. Halo Mega Bloks I was wondering if anyone in this community has any Halo Mega Blok Figures, Sets, Vehicles, Custom Figures, etc. If you do, don't be afraid to share them with your fellow peers. Hope to see what you guys have, as I am currently getting into trading Halo Mega Blok figures/weapons for other figures/weapons. For instance, I'm going to be sending my only Combat Flood and one of my newer Rocket Launchers to someone in California for an EVA Spartan and 343 Quilty Spark! Please remember, "Spartans Never Die!"
  9. Here's today's Index -Index- CH 1: Good Mourning…. Page: 1-2 CH 2: Our First Murder…. Page: 3-4 CH 3: Zombie Overrun…. Page: 4-6 CH 4: Arrival at Safe Haven…. Page: 6-8 CH 5: The Newcomer…. Page: 9-11 CH 6: Kill or be Killed…. Page: 11-13 CH 7: Getting back to Safety…. Page: 13-15 CH 8: New Conflict…. Page: 15-17 CH 9: The War Shall Continue…. Page: 17-20 CH 10: Virus Lab…. Page: 20-23 CH 11: Another Outbreak…. Page: 23-27 CH 12: Half a Population....Gone.... Page: 27-
  10. Don't worry man, the book is getting interesting through the chapters, everything is getting a bit more effective as it progresses and there are the amount of victims is going to be countless, just give me more time to finish the book and you'll see all who is lost within the book.
  11. I knew he was a Jedi Hunter when I first saw him when the movie came out, I wasn't much of a reader then (I was I think 7 years old) at that point I knew what was going to happen eventually since Obi Wan had his personal vendetta, and Anakin had his. But besides the point, each of my chapters have at least 3-4 paragraphs in them.
  12. Gonna be trading a fighter flood form with someone to get an Eva Spartna Mega Blok figure! :D

  13. I have been typing it up since day one that this thread has been created I get where you're coming from, but I don't write a whole lot, so I'm just taking it little by little until I get back into it, don't worry though, it's looking good so far You will learn about them as soon as I'm done with the book! Just hang in there, sooner or later I'll be done.
  14. Here's today's Index. -Index- CH 1: Good Mourning…. Page: 1-2 CH 2: Our First Murder…. Page: 3-4 CH 3: Zombie Overrun…. Page: 4-6 CH 4: Arrival at Safe Haven…. Page: 6-8 CH 5: The Newcomer…. Page: 9-11 CH 6: Kill or be Killed…. Page: 11-13 CH 7: Getting back to Safety…. Page: 13-15 CH 8: New Conflict…. Page: 15-17 CH 9: The War Shall Continue…. Page: 17-20 CH 10: Virus Lab…. Page: 20-
  15. Chapter 8: New Conflict, is almost done.
  16. I know that it's been awhile since I last posted on the thread, but I was just wanting to say that I'm still working on the maps and I am sorry for not joining you Pardlse, I want you to know that I'm not ignoring you in anyway, just haven't gotten to working on the maps that much due to school.
  17. I know what you mean, and I've done that the first time when I started writing books, and my English Teacher at the time said "You don't want too many pages in each chapter, because then you're just going to lose your reader." and I stuck with what she said. Don't worry man, I will, just give me more time to finish CH 8: New Conflict, and then I'll update the index again. I'll keep updating everything about it and maybe, once I'm done, I'll start to type out CH 1: Good Mourning. In fact, CH 8: New Conflict, will be the start of the war.
  18. Yes, it's based off of Zombies, but it's nothing like World War Z
  19. Here's the index of Zombie War as of now. -Index- CH 1: Good Mourning…. Page: 1-2 CH 2: Our First Murder…. Page: 3-4 CH 3: Zombie Overrun…. Page: 4-6 CH 4: Arrival at Safe Haven…. Page: 6-8 CH 5: The Newcomer…. Page: 9-11 CH 6: Kill or be Killed…. Page: 11-13 CH 7: Getting back to Safety…. Page: 13-
  20. Size: Any Topic of Background: Halo Specific Character: ODST Recruit File Type: PNG And can you have it saying my current signature? Not with the paws of course
  21. I am currently working on Zombie War as I speak, Chapter 5: A Newcomer is a WIP, if you all want I'll post the index to Zombie War right now.
  22. Well, it is called "Zombie War" for a reason.
  23. So, if I were to publish this book and I did add that into the book, you'd buy it?
  24. Well yes it's a picture from World War Z supposedly, I'm trying to find something that's not off a movie or anything else...
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