Okay, so those are the only 4 tiers in LODT, I do not control a tier since I'm in control of the entire clan. The other AP's will have control of their own tier, general's will become 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in command for that tier based on what they choose. LODT is still looking for more people to join, currently working on making the three main maps for the Clan and once we start to gain more and more, more maps will be created. As of now the maps that exist/will exist are listed; LODT HQ, LODT Meeting Hall, and Firing Range (you all should know what you do at a firing range, right?) If not, then you are basically being tested to see what you're good at, either; Demolition, Ranger, Close Quarters, or Assault. I shall keep you all posted, and make sure to go onto Facebook and like our clan page"LODT - Legendary Orbital Drop Troopers" hope to see more recruits soon!