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RAI Callion

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Everything posted by RAI Callion

  1. Okay, so those are the only 4 tiers in LODT, I do not control a tier since I'm in control of the entire clan. The other AP's will have control of their own tier, general's will become 2nd, 3rd, and 4th in command for that tier based on what they choose. LODT is still looking for more people to join, currently working on making the three main maps for the Clan and once we start to gain more and more, more maps will be created. As of now the maps that exist/will exist are listed; LODT HQ, LODT Meeting Hall, and Firing Range (you all should know what you do at a firing range, right?) If not, then you are basically being tested to see what you're good at, either; Demolition, Ranger, Close Quarters, or Assault. I shall keep you all posted, and make sure to go onto Facebook and like our clan page"LODT - Legendary Orbital Drop Troopers" hope to see more recruits soon!
  2. Zombies War is the book that I'm currently working on right now as I'm telling all of you about it, I don't know if the picture or the title that I'm using is already been used, if so then please tell me as I do not like to forge a book that was already made and/or plagiarize any idea that's already been used. The attached file is the cover to the book that I'm making. I've done my research for Zombie War, and there are no books about it!
  3. If I had to choose a style of weapon to be put into Halo 5: Guardians, I would choose the Halo 2A style SMG, that version of it looks good. But as always they make Anniversaries of the old Halo games, so I can't wait for Halo 3 Anniversary and Halo 3 ODST Anniversary (hopefully they make these, that'd be awesome!).
  4. This is odd, idk why it's doing that to you HaloSpAz, wish there was some way I could help!
  5. I haven't watched Nightfall yet, I'll try to over the weekend. But for right now I choose FuD for now, my answer may change after I watch Nightfall.
  6. Welcome Spartan Locke, glad to have you on board, but tell me, why are you hunting MC!?!?!
  7. I can't wait for Halo 5: Guardians, it looks amazing, sadly I couldn't help out with the Beta since I got the Xbox One and Halo: MCC at a later date
  8. Yes it was, I can't remember where I saw the ad for it, but when I look it up I'll be sure to get the URL and send it to you. ^~^ Actually, I just found it on IGN; http://www.ign.com/games/neverwinter/xbox-one-20022400;the beta is already out or should be coming out sometime this month. It's a Free-To-Play still, so that's a good thing XD Sorry again for the editing of this post Dx
  9. Hmmm, I always thought you could, guess I'm wrong about that, though I could've sworn I've done it before...
  10. Welcome back Halo5willbecool, don't think we've ever met if not, welcome back and nice to meet you, if we have then welcome back and hope you stay!
  11. If at all possible, would UNSC Angel of Death like to form an Alliance with LODT after we get a decent amount of members? PM me through Xbox One if you'd like to get some further information about the clan and what we'll try to do to help your clan out.
  12. I am a TR almost max rank with it, can't play it though cause I don't have a PC anymore, but soon it's going to be coming to Xbox One as a beta! Can't wait for it cause I'll get it and register for the Beta so I can get back into it.
  13. Don't know if we're exactly what you're looking for, I just got an Xbox One and haven't started recruiting yet. We haven't made much progress over the past months that we've been working on it, but I'm sure that someday we will get to be good, we've got tiers that each of the AP (Yes, it's AP not CP like I thought it was, that was my mistake...) member's will have control over. There is Assault, Demolition, Ranger, Close Quarters, and another class tier that I can't remember right now. More info will be brought to you as soon as we think of more things. There is one more thing; LODT will be looking forward to compromising with other Clans to form a relationship, either Hostile, Friendly, or Neutral.
  14. Has anyone played a game called Neverwinter, it's a F2P through Steam, I think it's a really good game, it's the only game that I could play and actually understand other than WoW...can't stand that game....nor seem to learn how to play it even though I've been taught how to play but it just didn't make since...I mean, to me, there doesn't seem to be a story behind WoW but there is a story behind Neverwinter.
  15. Wait....in CE you've been able to charge the plasma pistol (at least to my recognition) by only holding the right trigger down, I think that's been in Halo since it first launched...
  16. My bad, I had read multiple things saying that "Bungie gave 343Industries rights to Halo" but thanks for giving me the information on what actually happened.
  17. You can easily message me and set one up for maybe sometime next month, me and the other's need to start recruiting.
  18. I'll see about, we're still only 5 people, some still having to work on the talents...I'll give you some further updates upon the Clan later on when we have more people.
  19. I never really heard much about Monty, until I went onto RT's website, I feel really bad upon their lose of a really great friend and co-worker. But there is no need for sorrow, only memories of the ones who've passed away, the only thing you can do is hope that RT can keep him in the ginormous brains.
  20. Yeah, I mean, they'd have to have been with Bungie since day one, and 343i has been with them until Bungie gave 343i rights to Halo. I personally love what 343i is doing with Halo.
  21. LODT is up and RUNNING!

  22. LODT is now recruiting, for right now the only AP that you will be able to contact is me (LODT Cal18) once you contact me I will tell you everything about the clan and our future objectives. We have a facebook page, just search up LODT- Legendary Orbital Drop Troopers and like the page, once you like the page, I will know and will ask that you try your best to get LODT into your Gamertag, it might even require that you change your Gamertag to something shorter so that LODT can fit into it. If it does, I am so very sorry, wish there was a way that you would be able to keep your current Gamertag and have LODT in it as well.
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