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  1. Pretty sure they released an update last nigh, I got on this morning and found matches pretty quickly. I just got back on after school, and its completely f***ed again. Unable to find a single other player and I also have to restart my entire Xbox every time I want to leave matchmaking because for some dumb a** reason they made it absolutely impossible for you to exit the d*** matchmaking lobby... WTF 343 it was working fine this morning and you go and completely f*** it up again... Time to wait another 2 weeks for them to "fix" it
  2. 343 released an update earlier today, and its taking even LONGER to join a game.... WTF
  3. I have a problem that really irritates me. 7/10 times that I leave matchmaking, I have to restart my entire console because it wont exit the matchmaking lobby. I've even left my console on when I went to the store, and she I got back it still said "leaving matchmaking" Ok I honestly bought an Xbox one so I would be able halo. If I knew that MCC was going to be this big of a f*** up then I wouldn't have even bothered. I was willing to spend extra on an xbone so I would have the freedom to play halo, and now that I think about it I could've saved 100's of dollars in the long run if I went with the PS4. 343 has officially ruined it for me /:
  4. Welcome to the Community HappyJorge :welcome:

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