From the moment I first played part of the campaign on my nephews XBOX I was hooked. I have played video games since Pong, yes Pong! I have owned nearly every game counsel ever made and played so many stand up arcade games in local game rooms, bowling alleys and malls than I will ever be able to remember. The were some great games that had built in story lines, were adapted from movies or just stood on their own. Tron, Space Invaders, Galaga, Doom, Mortal Kombat, Tekken, Syphon Filter, Legacy of Kain series, and the Bond series are just a few of them. But when Halo hit the market all else that stood before it seemed to fade away as I became engrossed in the game series. Other than a quick sampling of MW, which I never took to, I have not played another FPS online since my first exposure to Halo! It has earned more than a cult status with it's fans. We were all owe a great deal of thanks to whomever first read the novel and worked to make this game a reality. I have continued to play long after my nephews lost interest. Point is, Halo is the best, will always be the best and live on long after others fade away. The story, the campaign, the muliti-player! It has no equal!