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Absolute Dog

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Everything posted by Absolute Dog

  1. I saw the title and it reminded me of an old military "health" film for soldiers! Sorry, just couldn't resist. Dock me a post.
  2. Good, I can get rid if this signature. It was dragging down the overall artist concept I was shooting for!
  3. Due to Bungie.net statistics being offline and Waypoints statistics and game information not being user friendly I will no longer attempted to assist banned players with reasons and lengths for bans.
  4. With Bungie.net down and Waypoints stats and game information not being user friendly, I am no longer tracking down banned account information.
  5. Nice OP! If you don't mind I will create another one and expand on the Idea.
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Anarchy


      Yes, can't wait!!!!

    3. Azaxx


      all hail AD, for without him, there is no contest -does that unworthy smily action-

    4. a live dinosaur

      a live dinosaur

      Hey are we allowed to add a Gametype to our map? I made Pac-man. I highly doubt a little Pac-man game would win, but I just want to participate :D

  6. Very nice work theorix. Look s good on the YouTube Channel as well!
  7. I personally am unfamiliar with any submission process. I will ask around and see if there is a way in for you.
  8. There are numerous topics that cover this though OP. I am closing this one
  9. If you have a channel, Halo related video or montage, artwork, fan fiction, forged maps or any other material that is either new or previously posted in this forum, submit your request for consideration to have it added to our YouTube channel. All material must have the appropriate links, images, videos, etc offered within your post. Any member who has a request for submission granted will be spoken to about how it will be used and if any requirements are expected in return, such as a partnered offering of our channel on yours. All submissions will be reviewed to ensure compliance with minimum standards for posting and have to be your own work and/or creations. If you have any questions please post them here as well.
  10. I am very proud that we have finally worked out the details on our new YouTube channel. It will be a great addition to our forum. Everybody needs to go check out the site and subscribe to it so we will be able to make some additional improvements. I will be posting more information later today.
  11. Please vote for the maps in the Forge contest. There was a tie and we need a winner! http://www.343industries.org/forum/topic/7299-vote-off-march-forge-contest/

  12. You can also meet me on Reach and I will take you into a brief custom game and give you copies of the TE, tournament edition, versions.
  13. I am in! Letting these troglodytes run the forum is absurd. Man the guns, we will fight! Viva la Revelotione'.
  14. Waypionts stats are a complete joke! Where is our file share?
  15. More like this hammer! Watch the Kilt on a windy day! lol Now this is my Ban Hammer! I want to be 1st!
  16. valyou3 you can add 343 Industries Community Forum to that list. I will post an additional Halo 3 play date for those days and already have a very cool award ready for those who participate!
  17. Well, Church.....while at the "Spring Retreat" do not forget to promote 343 Industries Community Forum! Seriously though, I know how good it can feel to get away from the daily grind and spend time with others that have similar beliefs as you. We are a community with family spirit here, but that type of communities family has only one "moderator" and the best "community" spirit. Hope you have a good trip and we will await your return.
  18. Congratulations Caboose! You look better in Purple now. The down side is you have to act like a responsible member now. No more shooting spitballs at other members, the Whoopie Cushion has to stop and you have to finally realize that a "Shuttlecock" is not a bad word, but that it is the object hit to play badminton!
  19. The image you posted looks familiar. I had seen this image in a search a while back for a joke for a fellow member.
  20. There is already a pinned thread on this subject at the top of the forum call the Official Halo 4 Forge Thread. Would like to hear your thoughts, place them here.
  21. You need to let the words of those who try to tear you down fall on deaf ears. It is your call, but don't let others define who you are and what you believe. You can PM me if you need any help.
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