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Absolute Dog

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Everything posted by Absolute Dog

  1. You want to post in these threads to boost your post count, go ahead. I will review posts per member, get your rank, loose your awards.
  2. It is not "Sir", It is "I understand". You want me back, I am back.
  3. Mayhem, even though I am on a lot, I am very busy. I promise you and all members the ban hammer is about to swing. I have been nice, talked to members and accepted their apologies. This is an open warning, heed it. If I ban you from the shout box it will be a one week minimum. I will be reviewing the archives again regularly. If you have been on this site long enough to know, this is your warning. Some members can not accept polite and courteous words. No argument from a member will get you back, trust me.
  4. A variation of "Tug-of-War" in BTB that if your team kills and opposing teams player 5 times, he is transferred to your team. Who ever has the most players at the end of a timed match wins.
  5. How about post it for the whole forum to see.
  6. This will be the thread to post your non Halo related drawings, sketches, anime and various other related forms of artwork.
  7. This will be the thread to post your non Halo related paintings.
  8. This will be the thread to post your non Halo related graphics, or computer generated, artwork.
  9. Maybe the reason for his armor upgrade. Cortana or the on ship navigation, realized where they were headed and figured an armor update was in order. Having no information on the campaign in detail, it may begin with a cut scene showing this information.
  10. .....and this is it? Not even a topic. I hear the Metallica lyrics in my mind, "Sad but true......".
  11. I have been preparing for a new sub forum lately and the time to create it for the site has come. It will cover a few desires from the community and allow the us to get an existing forum back to where it belongs.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Absolute Dog

      Absolute Dog

      Well, I have lost most of the first ahlf of the day, but was prepping for this about two weeks out. I had a list already to go.

    3. valyou3


      Sounds interesting. Would love more information

    4. FIREN4


      A sub-forum? Wadd'ya mean?

  12. trooper, I honestly couldn't tell you who replied here that actually plays the Arena Slayer enough to fully appreciate what ranked play means in Reach. What I do know is I played enough Arena doubles before Bungie, in it's infinite wisdom, decided to remove it. We had 3 AA's to contend with, sprint, jet pack and hologram. By most accounts of the people I was able to talk with after matches, it was agreed jet pack "broke" the maps. I had enjoyed ranked doubles in H3 and Arena Doubles, though still having AA's, was the closest I ever came to playing a game in Reach with limited AA's that was ranked. I understand how you feel.
  13. That is a nice video! Good work, you must put a lot into it.
  14. "Have no fear of perfection--you'll never reach it." ---Salvador Dali
  15. No, I considered a few areas for it when it got posted, but the GD fits it best. Just because it reflects the final Halo 3 cut scene does not mean it belongs there.
  16. I would like to suggest a play list for MM that pits the Spartans against their foe. As stated by a member in a thread I posted a while back, Halo 3 allowed use to play as Elites along side the Spartan in MM, but we never played a game of human vs foe. The idea I proposed for Reach was to set the Elites against the Spartans. Seemed like the classic battle. Elites versus Humans Slayer. The new play list would allow for heads up play between the Spartan and his enemy. Each enemy would have their own weapons only available at initial spawn and be either unable or able to use the enemy weapons in game. Just a thought I reflected on when I saw your OP.
  17. Rockstar from what I saw in the videos and screen shots there was only a single "health bar". If what you propose is true, the weapons would be devastating to the humans as much as they were the Flood. What is your thought on that?
  18. Donut you have most certainly earned this status my friend. You are the heartbeat of the shout box. As for the Mod for a Day, hmmmmm........that is a mighty big proposition. Twam is planning some kind of update in April that night allow this to happen, so we will see.
  19. There is already a thread for YouTube video links in the GD.
  20. I will, he linked it in the shout box right after the Halo 4 info dropped. It is a painstaking search through thousands of shouts. I may just create a thread and ask for it.
  21. I did a BR blast at the coils once from the corner of long hall and had that happen. I thought I had been sniped until the sniper that was in their shot gun told me after the game he saw what happened.
  22. What if the next generation of games exist in a format other than disk. The disk technology is very dated and new game and media storage devices devices may be on the way. Could there be a peripheral unit made available for disk driven items that would cover the play of previous games.
  23. Just try using the "Attachments" selection under the "Full Editor" mode. PM me if you need any help.
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