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Absolute Dog

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Everything posted by Absolute Dog

  1. Well.....we may be able to consider this an "answered" thread by 343ind. This is a link to the Anniversary Playlist. They do love snipers after all.
  2. Let's see.....what Halo "related" thing makes me tear up or cry? Hummmmm. I got emotional when little Johnny got his first Magnum. I did feel moistness in my eyes the night the power went out in the middle of an epic ranked doubles match in H3, but then again it was a hot night and most likely sweat. I did once cry from laughing so hard when an old friend threw a gravity lift under as I went to move out the lower door under Pearlman on Last Resort. The score was 46 (us) to 47 (them) and I had the opposing team spawning in the scope of my sniper rifle. I was so pissed, but the moment was so classic and she such a good friend, that our whole team could not stop laughing as we were being slaughtered for the loss. That one simple act of betrayal is still among the funniest moments I've ever had in Halo. Hope these moments qualify!
  3. This story has been added to on 11/11/11 @ 1:49 pm EST.
  4. We are so close to having the ground breaking game given back to us in all it's glory with new graphics and six new maps for MM, one of which was only available on PC. You Friefight fanatics will be getting what I think will be the bet firefight map to date to play as well!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FIREN4


      Gooo Firefight!

    3. SuperIntendant


      I just want my silenced SMG and Magnum back. Is that too much to ask?

    4. SterkOks


      The Corp issued me a rifle, not wings!

  5. I pumped because in less than four days we will be playing some of the best maps ever created in Halo history!
  6. :rofl: I ahhh........ ....don't know if ahhh.... that is forgivable!
  7. Tellitubbies? Have no idea what one is! Hold, Googling...........Yes I am! lol I have full respect in the person above me. Below me is the person who without a doubt has less idea what a Tellitubbie then I did 5 minutes ago, but they soon find them cute.
  8. It has been over two years since I played the ODST campaign and was rummaging through You Tube and found a Machinga video. I really had forgotten just how good the graphics and music was for the game. I had played the campaign and fire fights for about a month until internet became available. This game really was much better than I had remembered.
  9. You make a good point here. Since the Halo series has historically offered new games at such a slow pace, aside from DLC, the remake of Halo 2 should fall enough time after H 4 and before H 5. It is still my hope that eventually all games, both campaign and MM be available for online play. I realize it could be a major undertaking, but the thought of playing with your friends and saying, "Remember in H2 when........", and instead of just recounting the game you can just switch over and play it. Halo 2 still had the best original maps for the "classic" 1 vs 1 shoot out to see who was the best!
  10. FireMachine there have always been adjustments in the play lists dependent on the population of it. Players will initial flock to a new one then loose interest leaving only a small number of avid fans of it. There has been calls for one type of game or another from the fans since Bungie first created their B.net forums and that will continue into 343inds. reign. There were only two actual play lists or game types that I have felt needed to stay or be brought forward through to the next game. The first was from Halo 2, Clan Battle. I never played it but felt that there should always be a variant for them to duke it out in. The second was the complete ranked play list that had existed since the beginning of MM. Thanks for the post.
  11. ...and the Halo gods said, "On the 15th, let there be Halo CE Anniversary!".

    1. Ardent Prayer
    2. SterkOks


      And then the Halo Gods said "Let there be H2R!!!!" And there was a long debate over if 343 should make Halo 2 again!

  12. Nice post headhunter, it speaks the truth. I have, since I became a Mod pushed for a form Intro/Info for the Introduction area as well as the top of all forums that would cover these issues. I am sure it is well known to most that their needs to be a review of the signature policy. I am for individuality, but there is no doubt that some are way to much. There is a good number of us who have been here a long time and seen members come and go, the one post wonders, the trouble makers and then those who have seen and appreciated what we have here. Thanks again for the post.
  13. Forge will be the same for the most part. A couple of maps like "High Noon" will be forge ready and should provide some new environments to create different styles of maps.
  14. Hey Ohai. Welcome to the friendliest forums this side of the galaxy! You will find that trolls are quickly contained, whinny kids spanked and the bickering, debates and backslapping is what forums are all about.. Welcome to the show.
  15. Hey WolfMan, welcome to the forums. See you have already applied for the giveaway. Take your time and get to know the forums, there is a lot of good information and ideas contained within the friendly forums. Be sure to use the shout box if you have any questions.
  16. That is good to here Jake. Some members may be unaware of this fact.
  17. My first contact with Halo was the day after it hit the market I believe. My nephews showed me this new game called Halo Combat Evolved and the XBOX game console. They had already played it and were hyper excited to get me to play with them. It was unlike anything I had seen to that point. I was using the Play Station 2 at the time and had been bringing it over to them on occasion to play with them. Now they had the system and game that I had to get. Being much older than them was not a factor as we played for hours on end together, even headed to their friends a few time for the linked games with multiple systems and TV's. Their friends thought it was so cool that an "adult", if you will, was just as into the game as them. I was 38 years old, but felt like 12 again as we all fought, elbowed and made fun of each others being "owned". Where were you when Halo was first announced? How old were you? Who were your Halo buddies back then? Let it all hang out! lol The original trailer when the game was to be a PC/MAC based computer game. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2yB0-Hgg8s&feature=fvsr This was the original trailer for the XBOX. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ZxDrAci0hc&feature=fvwrel
  18. You have said what many of us have for a while it different ways. It is always good to hear players aspirations for what they want and expect from a game series, especially for Halo. In the end the developer has to go with their gut instincts and in the case of HCEA I really do not understand peoples criticism of the campaign. I was originally unhappy about playing on the Reach engine, but quickly realized that reinventing the wheel in such a short period of time was not possible. There main efforts are and should be directed at Halo 4. Thanks for a quality OP Deadly.
  19. DocSpartanO07 has arrived home safely from Iraq. He came home to his family on the 5th of November and is spending time with them and getting ready to get back to work and school. Just wanted to let the community know. Well, our favorite medic is back in the forums now. I expect all will want to wish him a happy return now!
  20. This is a prime example of not playing the game, instead the player hides to make their stats look good. They don't support their team mates throughout the entire match. I have had team mates, friend or random, get their Running Riot and attempt to go hide some where to get a Perfection. Bad idea. Every single time I see it or hear them say, "Come cover me so I can get mt Perfection", I give them one chance to fight on or I betray them. I here the same people moan about AFKer's, quitters and boosters and turn around and pull these stunts. Just another sad commentary on how players ruin the experience of the game for others.
  21. Your halo sins can never truly be forgiven unless Father Bullet absolves your Halo sins."Reclaimer" - A new fiction by 819 Impetuous repercussion in the GD. Six more mornings until you can play HCEA!

    1. Choot 'em

      Choot 'em

      YYYEEESSS!!!! I definately need to visit Father B for absolution, lol!

    2. MCPO Mayh3m
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