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Absolute Dog

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Everything posted by Absolute Dog

  1. Dude! That looks like my kinda game. Mad Max redux! lol
  2. We need your gamer tag either listed here or sent as a private message to Spectral Jester, if you don't want it public, so your account can be looked at.
  3. That is true. I constantly rotate all pieces in forge looking for the different colors on each item as well as the varying shapes that each surface offers. I have created whole maps never using the intended surface of an object. The offering of a reticule color change would aid in targeting in any environment. There would only be a need for 3 to 4 colors depending on the map.
  4. Remember to visit Father Bullet's confessional in the General discussion to confess your "Halo" sins. It does wonders for your Halo soul!

  5. Whoa! That is a friggin' story! Hate to hear this, but man there will be some early players that might get caught trying to play the game early.
  6. I agree, I have to be very creative in object usage to get color and texture into a map.
  7. Hummmmm.........the remains of a great-great-grandparent, bones have probably been picked clean and I need a hug. lol WYR......eat 100 oysters in 5 minutes and keep them down or eat five mountain oysters?
  8. Okay, I have really been trying to avoid following this one, but I am enough of a man to thumb suck and bawl like a little girl and make it look good! The member above me have our spiritual Halo hearts in his hands, hopefully the Pope is aware of his good work here. The person who posts below me will be given a "special" title for 24 hours.......post if you dare! lol
  9. You feel it necessary to confess your Halo "sins" to the resident spiritual leader!
  10. I can not get behind the third person shooter mode. It needs to keep what brought it this far as an FPS!
  11. Welcome to the forums Jeevo. Good to have you here.
  12. Can't.......stop........looking......at......the.......prancing......pony!
  13. I have said before I would like a ranking system that gives the numeric rank to the "ranked" play lists and the military rank to the social play lists and your global rank would reflect both, i.e. 45 - Commander.
  14. Getting some good results on the vote so far, let's keep the vote coming.
  15. Just WOW! That is so "old school" of a cheat it is beneath you! LMAO because on one hand you are educating the ignorant on cheating and on the other hand it's just funny that it still works.
  16. Currently Halo CEA, in the future Halo 4 and a new Blur game. Have a dream list of games that are not currently available on MS Live.
  17. Puncher I am not sure if you are trying to promote a sit that you have some part in, but we do not promote advertising with in this site. That area i for your signature, not an ad. Please remove it and use an actual signature.
  18. Puncher I am not sure about local prices here and I don't even look at those games. I look at value, or a good deal, by how much a game or anything else is worth to me. I know that really doesn't help, but you want top shop online for deals.
  19. Wow! That is outside the box. Like the possibility of having the worm hole be the transition for campaign levels or even the launch into a new Halo game.
  20. Your link does not work. Anyways I think that the controller should be fully customizeable and allow you to select the button, trigger or shoulder bump for what ever you like.
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