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Absolute Dog

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Everything posted by Absolute Dog

  1. Your posts are monitored and responded to by the community. As your number of posts increases the the "rank" will increase. It is just a sign of how long you have been a member or many posts you have created. You have the opportunity to like or dislike any ones post. I personally have never given a negative to anyone, as of yet, respecting their right to an opinion. I reserve that for an extremely hateful response to a post. The positive I give out for people who have regularly created good OP's, a positive attitude in their responses or who are helpful to others. These determine your reputation. I hope this helps. This will link you to the ranking progression here and give you a progression of rank.
  2. Thanks for the video John, I am actually sitting here grinning with anticipation.
  3. I play H3 on a regular basis. Have not put ODST in for a very long time.
  4. Double Exp. weekend was always a blast! Loved the original Griffball, every single map. All of the variants were fun. I know my friends and I talk about it when we head over and spend a whole night in H3. 3 Ball, Griffball, Stickies an the one with the trench and you only had plasma pistols and stickies, we would laugh our butts off for hours playing them.
  5. Agree with most that is unlikely. By the way, that is a very well known name and you may want to consider a change. People may just naturally think you are him and it could create confusion, just something to think about.
  6. Army I believe you mean "credit cap", unless I am mistaken.
  7. John I beg to differ with you on that percentage, it is way too high.
  8. Thanks Bay, one is an MLG map created for two friends who play there and compete in tournaments. The selections I had seen in the MLG playlist did not remind me too much of what I had played in H3. I built them a symmetrical map that is open yet allows a good player to cross end to end or side to side, never touching the floor. There is plenty of cover, but numerous areas you have to cross in the open. It has been well received, as have all my maps, but I had been unwilling to submit to Bungie for personal reasons. Hoped 343 Ind. had taken charge of this area. Appreciate the response.
  9. I rarely use the banshee in Reach, but did enjoy a searing flyover of the hill in Valhalla guns ablaze or harassing a sniper in the base. I have played games like Ace Combat and really enjoyed the use of yaw and pitch controls to glide through a narrow pass of out maneuver a heat seeker. I'm not sure how feasible that is just because of the mechanics involved, but do like that idea.
  10. Lego Halo, Halo CEA, Halo4......one of which is not a real game. Can you figure out which one?
  11. How about bringing back a "real" ranked playlist, say Arena Doubles, just the way it was. I don't care if it's just me and 50 other players in there, bring them back and let us have our fun. We live in a democracy were even the voice of the few have weight, right?
  12. Absolute Dog

    Halo 4 Clans?

    Flly I remember the clan match category and never completely understood why it was removed. In those days, clans like KSI would actually train new and/or inexperienced players how to play the game and help foster a "team" spirit. I see nothing wrong with the idea at all. It was in one form part of my thread here, my OP, to read it.
  13. ...that free spirited little monkey....
  14. I could personally care less about credits, that said, I think the credit cap was there to make it harder to rank up too fast because you rank was simply based on credits. A failure of the credit system. There was never a cap on how fast you could rank up in previous Halo based games, so why here. Being banned for cheating, "bending" or circumventing the rules should stay in place. I think few may remember what happened in H2 with the modders. Cheating is cheating regardless of how you do it.
  15. ,his lifeless corpse decomposing in....
  16. about bunny rabbits and kittens....
  17. I like the "Rumble" swat idea myself. In the future you should add a "Non of the above" or maybe "I see something here let me explain" vote category. (Just a suggestion) I felt hemmed in to vote for something I wasn't completely behind just be able to cast my other votes.
  18. Don't get me started...................lol!
  19. Let me dual wield sniper rifles........now! lol *For those of you who are fans of Justin Beiber, his management team, legal team or feel his is so "dreamy", we do not want to actually hurt Justin, just repeatedly kill his likeness!
  20. I wouldn't know the answer to that one, probably a lot of work involved. It would rekindle the population of Halo 3 three though. Plus, depending on the future playing style of Halo 4, get you back into that "old feeling" and prepare you for the next installment of Halo MM. For those of you who read a little heated exchange between Valentine and my self in this thread, we have since become friends in this forum.
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