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Everything posted by xXTox1cXReaperZ

  1. I loved reach I haven't actually seen people hate its a good game -emotional campaign -new combat possibilities -endless creations -fun gametypes -new weapons -armor customisation -different point of view There see why its a good game?
  2. Hey guys XxTox1cXReaperZ here there's something going on with my rank on the phone it says im a hunter but on pc it says im a brute can someone tell me what's going on is it just the phone doesn't count properly
  3. I cant believe it how did I do it thank you your the best my dream come true also this is on my birthday *fistpumps epic come on I've only been on here a month how does that work but still in very proud of myself!! Vitamin pwn are birthdays are the same!!????????????
  4. classification: signature format: png size: default style: horror colour scheme:red and black image: http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1096/1341968206_1585599df8_o.jpg&imgrefurl=https://www.flickr.com/photos/12874565@N05/&h=1000&w=720&tbnid=CI_Kc5RaZbgyHM:&zoom=1&docid=e8YuZTwaDR5lpM&ei=sZsWVbf9A8rtaKvogpAP&tbm=isch&ved=0CDcQMygDMAM background: complete black text: XxTox1cXReaperZ text 2: Solve Lora Infernis! font: comic sans ms additional effects: text dripping down in red postioning: image in centre text underneath text 2 under text 1 thanks!
  5. Silver foxes are so cute‼ I wish ???? i could have one. Its so unfair‼ lol
  6. Is it tasty ???? can I try some its mine I said its mine‼
  7. I liked as soon as I saw the title perfect.
  8. Well done Yoshi you deserve it ????. Have a fun month in pink.
  9. I would love a reach event it would be so cool ???? thanks for posting this thread I hope this will occur.
  10. Hi lilsil I don't know you but welcome back to the forums I hope I see you around the forums.
  11. Arbiter747 there's a custom game mod for that its called blargn'stuff or something like that. LOL
  12. Sorry mate but your in the wrong section this needs to be posted in clan recruiting/advertising in future do post in the section I mentioned.
  13. I don't have a favourite armor but the one I wear is scanner ( I got game of the year edition) with pathfinder visor. I have found my favourite it is all mark v armor and pioneer visor colour scheme is dark blue ( I have officially taken caboose the aces' position as caboose lol)
  14. Sorry I didn't mean its coming out on 360 the trailer is on 360 ( me being unclear again).
  15. Hi XxTox1cXReaperZ here and today I'm talking about the H5G trailer (I think released today) so what I saw in the trailer is a marine or Spartan IV with a sniper what I think of this is someone has put a bounty on chief because they obviously think he's a traitor so here's what happened in trailer marine,odst or Spartan IV has a sniper and shoots chiefs helmet which shatters but the bullet has traitor on it so that's it for now. Sorry put this in wrong section can someone kindly move this over to H5G general discussion?
  16. I think halo (been playing at age of 5) the reason is its got a badass storyline with a badass character tell me a reason not to love halo its one of the best games on xbox also H5G is the best reason to get X1 so mines halo.
  17. Oh, thanks I use a phone to post I do have a pc though so I'll have a look ???? thanks.
  18. Caboose The Ace I think the fiery stick you are talking about is the mark of shame if I'm correct.
  19. Would you kill someone? If so who? What game do you prefer halo 4 or halo 3?
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