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Hunter (4/19)



  1. Yes but they need to put a 1-50 ranking system or something on it.
  2. i don't mind the way the BR looks because it doesn't effect gameplay what worries me is that the lines on the crosshairs dont go inside the circle and that could effect gameplay alot.
  3. Recoil has been in every halo game and bloom is awful. I agree 100% with the decision.
  4. Oh man this post makes me wish they had ranks in reach so i could just make new accounts non stop after getting my 50 and **** on you over and over and keep you at your 10 forever 99.9% of people complaining about bloom are the ones who DO know how to pace their shots and DONT spam the trigger and noticed how much LUCK is involved in bloom so next time you make a poll dont make it one sided and try to be a little bit educated about the thing your promoting bloom is not halo and it shouldnt be on precision weapons
  5. i was hoping for a new trailer
  6. The thing is they are doing this for anniversary thats why they are focusing on MP because reach is nothing like ce and for the MP part of ce they want it to be like it was or as close as they can make it and the co-op part anniversary campaign has no bloom from what i can see in the videos so they would have no reason to put in an option to change bloom in campaign
  7. Nah its because mlg switched to reach
  8. 1.)MLG 3 flag 2.)MLG 5 flag 3.)MLG ball 4.)MLG hill 5.)MLG Slayer
  9. bloom causes bullet spread for dummies bloom 1) the circle gets bigger 2) the bullets are able to land anywhere in the circle ^ cause of bullet spread without bloom 1) circle stays the same 2) bullets still land in that circle ^ no spread cuz the circle didnt get bigger than the persons head that your shooting at heres a picture of the shots without bloom (.) <- notice it hits in the same place and heres one with bloom (....) <- notice it hits all over cuz the reticle "circle" expands "gets bigger". does that help? i tryed to make it as simple as possible oh yea and one last thing in a game based on skill how is (........) <-- this better than (.) <-- this when aiming
  10. i think they should bring back the old ranking system for SOME playlists so noobs dont complain and also KEEP the new ranking system along side the number ranks then everyone can be happy
  11. lol what if they release a remake of 2 inbetween 4 and 5 and do a remake of 3 between 5 and 6 THAT WOULD BE SICK! as long as they dont change ANYTHING in 2.. ie. double shot, bxr and so on
  12. i honestly dont care one way or another i only play mlg and the occasional doubles altho if i did play other things i cant see armor lock being as bad as bloom
  13. if its for the 360 i would jizz in my pants but if its for pc id probably stick with wow lol
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