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Everything posted by Wam

  1. Just stop it. Just stop it. Just stop it. Just stop it. Just stop it. Just stop it.
  2. "Now, some of you might automatically leave the post but.. I'd love another anime like Legends."
  3. They're selling bottled water underwater... That's the only reason I'm liking this post. (THOSE ARE MY CHICKEN NUGGETS)
  4. I would much rather have what you call "microtransactions." The only winning without it is an experienced gamer playing Halo 5 straight for days versus someone who's too busy with life to play just as much (Yes, those people exist.) "Microtransaction" REQ Packs were implemented to keep a thin line between noob and pro. These are not meant for you, or Fishy (Assuming you two play every hour of every day). Alongside with that, DLC releasing for the game in the future will be free of charge, so that's a bonus. But if you want, you can keep on whining. It's either this nifty convenient tool, or 5 20 buck DLC's. That or Destiny... *Shivers*

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Wam


      You ever tried using the shoutbox, or you can't still?

    3. Homicidal Pengu

      Homicidal Pengu

      I can Im just scared and shy but no seriously im waiting to get back from vacation so I can start getting more involved with everyone

    4. Wam


      Cool. Seeya sometime.

  6. If Australians like their food why don't they just eat?
  7. Weapon Skins and Attachment Configurations. These look so cool! My particular favorite: Silenced DMR. Neat post, m8!
  8. Well, in any case, I truly wish you the best of luck! Lots of work ahead, but it'll pay off in the end! I saw how you presented it on the Steam Greenlight page. Try to keep that up, especially if you're going to take donations from others to support the game. Many people will, and in my opinion, this is truly awesome and worth it. Keep up the good work. Good luck, mate.
  9. halloi mah broi

    1. I_Make_Big_Boom




      Stap the slahap

    2. Wam


      1v1 me irl nub - 123 texas person street avenue - I'LL BE WAITING

    3. Wam


      (Not real)

  10. You're canadian? Oh boy. Welcome to the forums, you'll have fun here.
  11. Very, very intriguing indeed. With some work, and a bigger pocket, this could be a pretty good game! I see you've thought out the mechanics well (Thinking gets you places)! How much work do you have left exactly? You can definitely count on my vote.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Wam


      Okay, I'm just gonna stop now. XD

    3. Wam
    4. Homicidal Pengu

      Homicidal Pengu

      Alright man, good talking with ya

  13. Hey, welcome. You'll find it to be a very fun and talented community. See you in the future! (Oh, and good luck on Horizons Light.)
  14. "If you aren't American, you're a Russian Commie."

  15. I want to make sure everyone sees this:

    1. rrhuntington



    2. Maestro


      You're eating us out of house and home, GARMFIELD.

  16. What? A wizard?! OH MY! In all seriousness, I like Team Snipers. It's going to be in Halo 5, right? RIGHT?
  17. A very honest and very blunt review. I agree with the ratings Yoshi has given. Final Fantasy, bee-yoo-tee-full, yet terrible story, and don't even start me on the combat. "Characters: Racist/10"
  18. I love your name. I'm still not convinced lol cause of how creepily similar your names are. But this forum DOES need more bloodthirst. Welcome to the forums, m8.
  19. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #Getletterednoob

    1. rrhuntington


      Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N M L K J I H G F E D C B A *getbakewards

    2. Wam


      I'm going to bakestaybe you when you aren't looking.

  20. Peasant. I need to ask yuo fer a faivor. It's time to do some artsy fartsy st00f. PM me.

  21. Welp, it's that time again. The time for another member to be chosen as the following month's best, top-notch, out-of-this-world person within the next several days. I have been here for only 3 months, since 3/20/15, and I would like to say something. As a Greenie, I'd like to say that this forum is terrifying amazing. Many of you have become my dearest friends. I've seen and noticed that just about every single one of you guys and gals, are really talented, and amusing, and just plain awesome. I'd make a list, but to avoid Church attacking Fishy, I won't. You all know who you are. And I thank and love every single one of you. I seriously, really care about each and every one of you. As only a 3-month-old Greenie, that says a lot. Within next week, Staff, Moderators, even the community itself will choose the next MoM (But mostly the mods). It's time for the torch to be passed on. I'd like for my name to be changed back to my original, AhhOldWoman. Consider it a wish. --I love all of you.-- Even Caboose, kind of.
  22. Forging in Warzone - Let alone AI is simply not doable in their timeframe. Some people just don't grasp that it isn't easy. I beg you to heed Twinreaper's advice. 343 industries can't spend their time on this right now. Besides, I can only imagine what Forge is going to allow when the game releases.
  23. Very satisfied with this list of people. Truly great choices, guys. Congrates, m8s.
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