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Everything posted by ValentineF

  1. I agree! In CAMPAIGN but if it is left in H4 MP thats okay with me. listen lets just agree to disagree here and leave it at that. i like the loadouts if we could maybe choose our weapons. i get tired of starting out with an AR and Pistol. im better off with a DMR and Shotgun!if that was sprouced up id be REALLY happy. At least agree that would be kinda cool. as long as the Loudouts dont include RL and Heavy weapon explosivies
  2. i feel ya man! But i agree that this would be cool, but maybe not for CEA. but again MC might be alone...
  3. as i've said to people before. Halo Ce,2, and 3 is About the rings, the covies, and the flood. everyone needs to understand that Reach is a before story, what we lost in the start. I like reach, its smooth to me and the people i know. i respect your outlook but please understand that it is completely different because it was ment to be. we cant have the same thing over and over again. or else (to quote a friend) we would have a COD on our hands
  4. as far as im concerned i dont care about the kinect. i rather think the kinect is a useless addon to the xbox. But thats my opinion. sorry if i bust anyone's B@lls
  5. The jump from H:3 to Reach wasnt that big with the AA's it was equipment with endless use. but thats why they laid down the cooldown on it
  6. the only problem is of course ranks. some people would have better equipment, granted they deserved it but its not fair to people just starting out
  7. In our first time we popped in halo CE we selected campaign it asked easy, normal, heroic, or legendary? Now idk about you but i decided...why not see what legendary is all about. And the second the pistol was placed in my hand i had high hopes. But the second i walked into the room after the first four grunts did i get a small taste of my beatdown. i laughed and said WOW! that was rough. it was only until trying to get through the silent cartogropher (sorry my spelling sucks x.x) did i realize i screwed myself over. When playing H2, and 3 on legendary i didnt feel that same strength in the covenant. When i go back to play CE i feel that frustration but relief and remember that this is how halo should feel. So tell me? Are you hoping for that endless beatdown of the covie foes? or do you like the fact that when you play co-op on the campaign your grandma gets a higher score then you?
  8. you know what, Reach was BEFORE halo CE and everything your use to. Get over it. its a game, halo is about the rings and the flood the covies. reach was about REACH AND THE ATTACK ON IT AND THE THINGS WE LOST!!!
  9. Id rather play in an every changing enviroment than in something fixed like COD
  10. Hey opinions are like @$$holes. everyone has one. Mind putting yours away and respect what other people think.
  11. gee im sorry the ideas and hopes of what people have piss you off. If they do stay off the forum.
  12. You know what if it pisses you off so much go back to playing black ops with the ten year olds and leave the halo games to us. AA's are complained about because you think you have a kill and you loose it. They aren't Noobs or loosers for using an AA but smarter at playing the game then you are. get over it
  13. id rather enjoy that! Ya know doing great blam blam blam! dead elite! Throw a grenade kill a few grunts! and me being the forgetful one i walk right into the center of them and BOOM! dead chief... :/ Youd look at the floor laugh at yourself go into theater with a bag of freshly popped popcorn and laugh at your stupidity! Glad i got this preordered
  14. I agree with a majority aside from the needler. the needler was highly overpowered as a dual wield and i just dont like it. i like the idea of the jackal shield as a whole. the fact that it would be a plasma pistol in a different skin and without the actual shooting it wouldnt be that hard to just take the code of the plasma pistol and reshape the skin into the jackal skin. As far as the swords go, you my friend are my hero i've been waiting for someone to come up witha logical way to dual wield the energy sword and it seems you have found it.
  15. I like that, but what i would really like to see is variants like the Commando head: Notification of hazard. like sights on you Commando body: Extra clip for starting weapons Military police helmet: (kinda a cloud skull atribution but perm.) No radar.
  16. the ability to access weather and time of day would not only allow for us to further our maps in our own unique ways, but up the game play. Now what i would like to see is the weather actually have an effect on vehicles and person. such as effect on the traction and brakes of a vehicle. And during a thunderstorm. it would be extremely unwise to fly, as lightening could strike and short out controls like an EMP blast. all of this would not only make you think but increase the thrill of the game.
  17. reach mind you and all the other halo players from ce, Im one included should have enjoyed reach for the storyline and dealt with customization. it was there to appeal to more players. look up the halo4 1st person to 3rd person switch. i commented on it and i think you'll see i agree with armor selection. whats the point if it you cant admire or it helps you. And with that i can go here. some of the armor's do help in gameplay such as EOD/EVA. with vehicles and explosions.i see where you're comming from and i respect that but i would personally like to see the armors help us out. just cuz we're hardened doesnt mean we dont like to have someone hand us an a helping hand.
  18. i kinda agree with the skin showing... as long as the armor looks damaged, and you arm burned or scared. as far as the helmet off goes, i think face presets would be cool (kinda) its a touchy subject that can be thrown out. as far as being able to customize your face and such i dont think it would really work. you'd spend more time doing that than you would playing to game. I like the idea of the arms. like you know we're spartans after this all. we dont have all of our armor we're battle hardened. I really like that.
  19. I think it would be rather cool. Just dont make it overpowering. And maybe if there was a slayer game with two mechs depending on a tier time. like invasion
  20. If they incorp. a SWBF Type of gameplay, i wouldnt even get prepped for med school XD. I wouldnt stop playing the damn game
  21. i think that if 3rd person is your style it would be cool to switch, i like the idea, but as a menu option not in game control. it will be better suited for everyone that way. i like the idea, kinda like a deadspace way. but it would be harder and easier at the same time. you would have more view but also less control. Freeform would be nice, i mean whats the point of armor variants if you cant admire it?
  22. im sorry is this not a Halo forum? Gears of war and COD have fixed storylines, halo is versatile and flexabile. HCE has so much possibilty, mind you its just a blank slate atm. they are debating adding, removing and over all raping the codes. just enjoy the fact that you can change in between old and new graphics
  23. ive had this idea for so long, hoping somone agreed with me. you my friend rock and i hope they take your ideas and manifest it into the game. i always saw the elites as the underdogs of the franchise and i liked in H3 how you could custimize. but what i would like to have is if you beat the storyline on legendary than it unlocks the full character list. lie how dare in ODST was unlocked by beating the game on legendary. Make the people work for what they want ya know. And it would be a reward well deserved. to play as a hunter or an jackal. i would be like cold stone creamery! Instead of ice cream it would be halo id be going APE**** with!
  24. you my good man...have made my eyes water with the inspirational words. Cant wait to fight beside you. see you in 2012
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