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Everything posted by Nytr8

  1. @TwinReaper: Im not sitting here and telling you anything. I was actually trying to vent a concern that I have seen happening across the board towards 343i but I was duped by the name of the website thinking that it had some affiliation with said dev. I was set straight and the conversation took a friendly turn. Your comment is fairly curt and condescending, especially when you are trying to project your perception of the value of gaming on to me. I AM affected by not having a set of armour that someone else has in halo 5, because a am a fan in every sense of the word. If I am willing to pay $250 for the limited collectors edition, thinking that this is the version with EVERYTHING in it then why would I not be upset if I find out that there are exclusive retailer deals that are being left out of the $250 monstrosity. I have pumped $1000's into memorabilia and the LE games over the years because it makes me happy. I work like a dog, I look after my family, but when it comes to my own time, nothing makes me happier than sci-fi. Halo being one of my most revered fantasy universes. If this is simply a case of timed exclusivity or paid dlc down the road, I can begrudgingly except that, doesn't mean I have to like it or bend over, pull down my pants and take one for capitalism. We are nothing but sheeple to most of these companies, so if I come across something I don't like, I find it better to have a voice, even if I do disturb the flock hanging of their teats. @Caboose: I generalised the gaming landscape when I mentioned that we are no longer rewarded for our efforts. Before the horse armour for Oblivion was launched, everything that a developer would make in the way of window dressing would normally be an unlockable in the game. The easiest way I can explain it is this way: I have accepted the business model. There are multiple point of entry, basic game, special edition, limited edition and limited collectors edition, ranging from $60 to $250. Now... If I am a true fan, I want everything that game has to offer so I lay down $250 to get everything because that is what I want. THEN... I find out there was more to the game and those part are only available by pre-ordering at a specific retailer. So then I look at my $250 purchase and I think... "that's not right". If I am willing to pay the price of entry for the most expensive package, should I not have the option to own the whole game? You see, this business model does not benefit the gamer. It's the same with multi-plat games too, Batman had exclusive costumes on the PS3. Say if you are a fan of Batman, comics, films, cartoons, games etc, but you owned an xbox. How would you feel knowing there is no way for you to have the classic tv show batman costume just because capitalism said so. I don't like it and I never will. If you really think I'm taking this wayyy out of hand, that is your prerogative. I know that us gamers are getting the short end of the ****ty stick. @rrhungtington: lol. Anyways, this topic is now null. So long and thanks for all the fish.
  2. Hey P34nut, I hear you, I do hope that these extras are released at a later date. I'm based in London UK so we normally have things divided up between GAME & Amazon usually. I had to pre-order the Halo 5 collectors edition from Amazon US site as for some reason 343i decided not to do one for Europe. Unless something changed in the last 3 weeks. There just seems to be too many different business models that they incorporate around the world which is strange as gamers are gamers no matter their global location, short of strong cultural differences, gamers game the same. I hope you are right regarding the unlocks for the armour sets. It would deffo be a good thing if they did something like that, early access for the pre-order lot and unlockable for everyone else with a little grind.
  3. Thanks Batman... haha I never though I would say that line I hear exactly what you are saying. The ever evolving landscape is just getting worse and worse for us, 'the gamers'. It all started with that bloody horse armour from Oblivion. I hope for all our sakes that something bad happens in one of these deals that brings the whole house down. Some destiny cologne anyone? I can dream... Thanks for the reply! I bight just copy paste this over on waypoint.
  4. Hey All, I have just joined the site mainly to see if I can get through to anyone at 343i to hear my plea. I, like many others have been gaming for years. When it comes to Halo, I have purchased each and every release as well as every legendary collectors edition released. I have a huge respect for Halo and the greater lore and I am more than happy to spend my hard earned cash on everything Halo... But... Things are taking a turn for the worse in the games industry and it has nothing to do with the game developers but more so with the marketing department. Exclusive pre order retailer content... AAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!! WHY??? I have pre-ordered the Halo 5 Limited Collectors for $250, yet somehow, that does not allow me to have the Locke armour that was just announced to be exclusive to gamestop pre-order customers. Why 343i, Why? This new way of culling content for retailers is just a complete slap in the face to all your fans. What happened to the days of being rewarded for your efforts in the game, by the way of unlocks, costumes, cheats, etc. Those days seem to be all but gone from gaming. There is no reason you could give that can justify not allowing ALL of your dedicated Halo fans access to these assets. Microsoft, 343i, please... I beg of you, don't do this to Halo. Please break the mould and put your gamers first. Please don't siphon off content just for a couple of extra bucks and corporate brown nosing. I don't know if anyone else here feels the same way but of you do, please add a comment to this post to help 343i see that we don't want these pre-order exclusives that end up isolating others. What would you like me to do 343i? should I pay $250 for my collectors edition, then do I have to pre-order another copy from Gamestop to get Locke's armour? Do you have even more exclusive content for other retailers? How much am I gong to have to spend to 'catch em all'? I don't think what you are doing to Halo is right, this is not a cookie cutter game, treat it with some respect, give all your fans ALL of your hard work, trust me, they will appreciate it.
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