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Everything posted by Just_A_Druid

  1. It's just been one of those days.

  2. Ah, TFW you can finally leave your Mac, and know a nice PC will be waiting for you when you return home.

  3. Well, I'm back, hoorah?... cheers :)

  4. Things are getting to be a bit much for me right now- a lot of stressful factors are contributing to me not performing at 100%, as if I haven't been already I will be taking a break from the forums till things get a bit less chaotic, cheers

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Caboose The Ace
    3. Yoshi1176
    4. RedStarRocket91


      Very sorry to hear this - wishing you the very best of luck!

  5. I am going to be an uncle around next August! :D

  6. Thinking that uh December may be the last month I will be active (not really active as it is anyways) on the forums for a while. It's nice and all, just needing to deal with life and such, would probably help if I was more of a Halo fan too I guess. Anyways that's all I'll plague you with for now lol

    1. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      You're no plague mate! Don't worry. All the best with the future! Cya around

  7. Brainstorming places to travel when Uni is done for the year.. ideas/suggestions?

  8. Things arent looking good for Great Grandma.. :/

    1. FIREN4


      wish er the best

    2. Just_A_Druid


      Thanks, she fell pretty hard, and has lost all short term memory, i have called her twice, the first time was okay, but the second time she thought I hadnt called here since mid august..


  9. Thinking of trying anime again, suggestions?

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Drizzy_Dan


      I almost didn't see what you did there but then I saw what you did there and that is very clever^.

    3. Delpen9


      Funny thing is that in episode 19 of Cowboy Bebop, there's a ship called the purple penguin that has white, red, blue (not black), and yellow patterns.

    4. Just_A_Druid


      *does not check forum for a couple days* * long comment thread* lol thanks for the suggestions guys ^.^


  10. With the sweet game releases for the next gen consoles such as Ps4 and Xbox One, it has made me realize how far games and these consoles have really come. I mean there are some real retro classics out there that revolutionized the gaming industy. I may have missed out on the original hype for those good ol consoles/games, but when my first game system I played was the Gameboy Advance SP- Crash Bandicoot! Although that was my introduction, I quickly fell in love with Mario 64 on the N64. With that being said what did you start your video game career on? Favourite game? Favourite console? Cheers guys! -Druid
  11. Don't blame me, the butler did it, I promise!

  12. ...wishing i wasn't so stagnant.... but it is only going to get worse unfortunately :/

  13. just wait- the christmas songs shall be on blast now in the stores >_

    1. Fishy


      Good idea, we should get the Christmas tree up.

    2. Maestro
  14. SIR your profile picture is causing PTSD, 11/10 3spooky5me D:

    1. Maestro


      'Tis the season to be spooky, mwahahahahaaaa, ahahaha!

  15. Got some happy pills. >_

  16. I have been really struggling with some personal issues lately, so... I'll be taking a bit of a break, just gotta figure things out... become happier :c, anyways take care out there :3 adios

    1. Drizzy_Dan


      Take care of yourself. Don't be stagnant. Work hard and feel good about it! Come back soon Druid.

    2. Halo6 Follower

      Halo6 Follower

      Cya soon mate! We are here if you need us :3 Ciao!

  17. surprises are fun, especially random forum name changes xD apparently my name was not spooky enough o.O

  18. Set Phazers to Stress, no..NO too much! *Druid has been over powered from stress and wont be on the forums for the next 4 days* take care guys!

  19. depression and anxiety can bugger off, im so done ugh :(

  20. Youtube 360 videos have the neatest concept. Mind=blown

  21. Anybody here play destiny....on a ps4? :(

  22. gotta love food poisoning

    1. Composite Armour

      Composite Armour

      Dr. Thrax approves this message.

  23. Well, guess who gets to volunteer some work at the campus radio station! behind the scenes of course, I mean I know I have the face for radio, but no the voice ;)

    1. Fishy
    2. Just_A_Druid


      You got it---oh, uh, no It isnt Jahmir *draws left arm on stickman*


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